You mean that one coal plant that was already set to reopen? Although I doubt it’s that many jobs.
Exactly! Most crime is same on same. Next subject.
MOST crime is same on same. White on white, latino on latino, etc. Most crimes are committed by people who know each other. And even if they don’t know the victim personally, they know them as someone in the neighborhood so they target them for one reason or another. THAT is the truth about a lot of crime. Even a lot…
That’s interesting. I don’t post here often, but I’m definitely not in the greys on i09, but I am in the greys on Jezebel even though I post there more often these days. This system is weird as shit. And also, fuck those trolls.
The moon? Oh! You mean that thing that no one has ever walked on? Yeah, I’ve seen that thing before.
I’m sure getting off the plane was a huge surprise.
This is too accurate for words!! Also, I love Tim Curry in Legend and this kind of ruined it a bit. Just a tiny bit.
Is this sarcasm? Cause they already did a reality show/producers at fault episode. It was with Alex Mac from Nickelodeon
Haha oh yeah. So many. People didn’t believe me when I told them that was Cruise.
Pretty sure he’s not the first and he won’t be the last.
The smart escapees fall under the “those who possess logic”. And part of that logic is disembarking from that sinking ship (island).
The lyric that annoys me the most is 50 cent, “If you be a nympho, I’ll be a nympho.” You cannot rhyme using the same word! Also, that window one is pretty bad.
Because the whole cry for help is also fake news. It’s all fake news! MWHAHAHAHA
So someone should tell him to get his ass out of the boat and stand on the shore line for 2 years. Maybe then he’ll notice the difference when his feet that weren’t touching the water, are now submerged.
I cannot star this enough.
Scientists and those who possess logic: “We know what the problem is.”
Wave hello.