Yup, if the general doens’t want to speak it’s probably because he, or one of the other higher ups, is involved.
Yup, if the general doens’t want to speak it’s probably because he, or one of the other higher ups, is involved.
Can we just show this to anyone and everyone involved in this and tell them “Australia is doing better than you!”? Instigating a pissing contest seems like the best strategy at this point to get a reaction.
Thank you! I appreciate their efforts, however, that does not mean they get free passes on asshole behavior. Wearing the uniform does not automatically make you above any and all laws. In fact, it actually means you should be even more respectful of it. If you can’t practice what you preach, then why should the rest…
Dammit,this just hurts my heart. I know you are one of many and it disgusts me that this is what our governemnt is doing to people. I honestly don’t know what people don’t understand about the importance of healthcare. If people don’t have healthcare, they die. It’s as simple as that. Why should someone with a small…
They would freak the fuck out because fucking queers are ruining the reputation of the Marines! How dare they!! Then they would try to bring back Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, as if people can magically unknow things...There would also be bashing. Lots of bashing and honestly, someone would probably be killed. Sad to say.
Wives, girlfriends and exes were included in the sharing so good for them. Not owning the uniform doesn’t mean you should feel left out. /s
HA! Amazing.
This gif is amazing! I must save it.
Yup. I would have eaten at the airport and grabbed my own preferred snack options for the flight. I don’t want bite size pieces of a bunch of stuff. All those flavors don’t even go together!
Exactly! 5 hours is more than enough time to eat real food and then buy snacks for the road. Heck, it’s enough time to eat and then grab a sandwich for the plane.
I was wondering the same thing! I eat before I get on the plane and then grab a snack to hold me over. Whether that’s chips, fruit, candy or a pastry of some sort. If I don’t have time to eat, I’ll buy a sandwich or something to eat on the plane. Very rarely do I ask the flight attendant for any sort of food. I don’t…
Just because you take a drink doesn’t mean you need to partake in the snack/food. I alwasy buy a bottle of water or ice team before I get on board. I then also ask for water or ginger ale on the plane. I hardly ever eat what they give out unless it’s an international flight.
Oh yes, it needs to be studied. I remember glossing over it too much in school, but this seems to make light of it more than anything. How many children are actually going to draw this accurately? Very few (hence the smiling woman in the photo), and the ones that do, teachers would side eye the hell out of them.
Yeah, there were just so many better ways to cover this subject. It’s interesting because teachers often look to a child’s art to determine their well being. A smiling slaves means you’re not teaching this right.
Agreed. I looked up our nation’s energy consumption on a map. Most states have already moved on from coal use. The main ones using it are the ones mining or trying to mine it.
You mean the experiment Nazi/Jewish experiment referenced in the comment or the blue eyes/brown eyes? Also, she kept that experiment very controlled which is what I take issue with in the above. Now, maybe it wasn’t as bad as Floorgasm described, but there’s a difference between demonstrating privilege and “letting…
Yeah, having them draw slaves (and happy ones at that WTF?) is a terrible idea.
I saw a video of a college professor making racial comments to blonde girl who was struggling to understand racism. She got upset after a few and conceded defeat. That said, she was a young adult and she knew (or ignorantly thought she knew) about the subject and they were having a class discussion. But to do that to…
He is going to destroy all our relationships. I know he started already, but this is just ridiculous.
Show this to Kelly Anne Conway. I bet you her microwave will be out on the curb the next day if it isn’t already.