Remember, International Women’s Day started years ago so they are merely honoring the day. Plus there are two separate groups involved in this and while they are trying to sync up so while their efforts are similar, the thinking is still different.
Remember, International Women’s Day started years ago so they are merely honoring the day. Plus there are two separate groups involved in this and while they are trying to sync up so while their efforts are similar, the thinking is still different.
Definitely go to class. Women fought for you to have an education so pursue it.
I think it depends where you are. My city has events all day long with the march happening from 4-8pm. Organizers also said to carch for the women who can’t and those women who do work should wear red in solidarity.
Interesting you say that. We just had an office meeting about this because many people (men and women) expressed concern about participation for tomorrow. Two members of leadership sealed the deal. Female SVP said, “Our founder said we should be measured by our deeds, not our words. Our deed now should be to…
Do either of these work?
Would they have liked it better if it was called Romneycare? The people stuck on the name kill me.
Better yet, watch the whole segment. It gets worse! Apparently Hillary has AIDS because Bill was hooking up with Magic Johnson...
OMG I love/hate this piece. I watched that episode and I laughed obviously, but also shook my head a lot because HOW are they THIS STUPID?!!!!
I don’t even know if he’s worth anything or anyone. I think he would be part of a package deal the sameway Condoleeza was.
This is the rant that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some people started yelling it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue yelling it forever just because...
Can we give him away? I will help pay for it.
Two words: Racial draft. I would PAY to give this fool away.
I’m convinced he tried to commit surgery on himself while high on coke or some shit with all his idiot friends cheering him on.
Going to see it tonight after work for this exact reason.
So true. It’s funny how this unspoken etiquette transcends gender. It is known for both the urinal and the stall, and yet, people still break it. They’re probably the same folks who stop in the middle of the sidewalk to tie their shoe.
LMAO! I mean if that’s the position someone favors, who am I to judge?
Exactly! I avoid using public bathrooms when possible, not because I’m worried about getting assaulted or peeped on, but because people are disgusting. I bet you half the people complaining about this “issue” don’t even wash their damn hands. Ugh!
I really hope the ACLU taps people like the Ali family for support.
Don’t forget the scotch tape!