
I don’t recall Gideon having quite this much personality before now.

eh, I just watched a 2 hour, 45 minute Sci-fi movie and it didn’t feel long at all.

Movie running times have always been an issue people talked about. Ebert had a great line though that captures my thinking perfectly:

Sentences in Western Europe are much shorter than in the US. There are arguments for and against that but when you look at the statistics, these countries on the whole are less violent, there are less murders and, perhaps most importantly, there are less recidivism rates despite the shorter sentences. But that’s

So...who was #1 Most Want...oh. RIGHT.

Were you black or Hispanic in the 90s? If not, that is probably why.

Man 2001 was weird. I know ‘the past is a foreign country’, but 2001-2003 feels especially so.

Eh, it’s not incest, different parents. Their kids wouldn’t have any negative residual incest traits. I know, they were raised like brother and sister. But biologically, they share zero traits/DNA.

<3 for Mick being the one to initiate the "we all screw up" circle to comfort Amaya

Iris: “Caitlin mentioned something earlier, and I sort of dismissed it, but now I’m really thinking it could help us.”

Cisco putting a self-destruct function in the suit without telling Barry about it in case they have to deal with Evil Barry again . . . that’s both really dark and also hilarious.

I love the continuing trend of “these characters are such idiots.” Really, you just can’t let Ray, Nate, and Jax out together alone. And when Ray and Jax just naively walked into that tent with Barnum...well, they kind of got what they deserved.

Danielle Panabaker’s legs and comedic enthusiasm for working with Cisco again were the highlights of the episode for me

You know what? Bring on the hokey.

I feel like I’m the only one that thoroughly enjoyed this episode. There was just so much HEART in it. I missed that sense of warmth and fun that this show used to have.

I kind of got the feeling that Sara was taking it easy so as to prolong the flirt-fight session. She looked like she was having fun. Maybe it’s her version of letting your date win at bowling.

Is there a woman that Sara *doesn’t* have sexual tension with nowadays?

Vancouver only has so many buildings.

He didn’t back off, he was backed off by a team staffer. That suggests for whatever reason he either forgot about the rule or was willing to break it.

When I first read the headline I thought he got called for traveling and it was so blatant that he got suspended.