
If you buy a Yankees jersey with a name on it, you should have your fandom stripped from you.

Yes, I am old.

I’m a big e-sports advocate, even along the lines of e-sport as sport, but I don’t feel like this is a good fit at all. As some people have mentioned, there’s the fact that companies own different titles and must be involved in negotiations, plus the constantly rotating nature of popular titles and the accessibility

Lots of people seem to be responding like I just claimed the Olympics aren’t at all commercial. I didn’t. That’s not my point. My point is that this is commercial in a new way. The event ITSELF is a commercial product. I’m just saying that no other event is like that. Nobody wins a gold medal at Coca-Cola

Man U should look out.

shhhhhh don’t use logic and reason around these parts, it’s looked down on.

I know you say August may miss a major but it could actually help and get the Fed Ex cup some excitement.

The 48-second clip in the above article mentions that the game started 7 hours after it was supposed to. The words in the above article also mention the same thing.

As a Metropolitans’ fan, I say Fuck You.

Everyone roiled up at this is looking at the wrong part of the timeline. The male-led shows are being produced because they will ultimately be more popular, across the majority of demographics.

Yes! Pay in Hollywood is different because it’s star power and screen time. There’s no way Chastain could have the same pull as Matt Damon. Hell, put her in a movie with Melissa McCarthy and she should not be paid the same.

I still feel like Jessica Chastain is an asshole after complaining about not being paid the exact same amount for The Martian as Matt Damon. When she was in maybe 15-20 minutes of screen time, did very little with that time, and brought no name recognition to the project since she isn’t a draw and to most people she’s

Nothing should get that close to Suarez’s mouth...

wtf you can be a beauty blogger and be verified? lol

Gable’s the one with the personality, and even then....

What’s arguably worse is NBC running a story like this without vetting the story. I’d argue they’re culpable since they didn’t verify the piece. I’m so sick of reckless reporting these days.

The article in the Dallas Morning News said that in the year before this blog post, she booked 126 weddings. In the year after, she booked 2. I don’t think it’s unreasonable that she would make around $4k per wedding. Not to mention money spent on legal fees. Dallas is expensive. We like to be fancy down here, and

It was in the contract and was in the FAQs. Customers could choose a wide variety of designs for the cover so the cost was separate and specified, all of which is in the embedded links in the article you linked to.

Lawyer here. God yes! Fucking read the contract!!

I was so nasty to the graphic designer who made our wedding invitations.

The couple seem like the sort of people who: