
LMGs are too damn accurate

Damn, thats some good work

Even PornHub is do this with their amateur accounts now, needless to say I was all “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPE”

I wish....sadly... I shes so ugly on the inside, I almost dont want to see the outside naked

Heres my simple-minded American thinking... Why is it called the Champions League if you can get in without winning anything? You should only get in if you win the league or your domestic cup. If someone pulls off the double, then 2nd place in the league qualifies! *nods*

That belt is the most over heel in the company

WWE typically opens PPVs with matches they care about. Which is normally a US or IC title match

That doesnt exists in most places anymore

Actually Cole didnt play it stupid. Seth sat there for about 5 seconds not saying anything not knowing what to do, since it wasnt acknowledged on TV it looked like Seth was staring off in to space, thus he quickly said Rollins was in a trance

That was fucking awesome, Wyatt played it off better than Rollins last night lol

On Talk Is Jericho, when HHH talked about DX invading WCW he mentioned how he probably would have ran the other with if he saw Haku/Meng coming to confront him

You’re here, we don't care that you're queer, just give us good content! :)

Wait, the 2nd is your favorite?!

Pretty much. Just look at other amazon products with different color options and you’ll see different prices. Nothing to do with the “pink tax”

You probably didn’t see the footage. It wasn’t one comment. They talked about him over the entirety of the race, often focusing the camera on him and then repeated at least five times that it was all due to him when the race finished.

You fucking fooled me, I hate you lol

Joke Response: But Jezebel says swatting only happens to women!

That all it takes is an accusation

This almost makes me want to end my boycott and actually pay for an NHL ticket.....

I think its something about not enough scoring....not too sure