
Yea... if he wants to say BF is about the same as COD then I hope hes only talking Hardline. Because 3 and 4 are nothing like COD but Hardline is an ok (sometimes annoying) mix of BF and COD

Speaking as a Devils fan I cant say they didnt play defense. Tampa played with the extra attacker for a little over 2 minutes. Plus I remember the puck getting iced at least once, at some point fatigue sets in.

I yell at my wife for doing it

For the title? Nope, for damn near anything else? Sure!

OH SHIT?! If it is that then its a great deal

OH SHIT?! If it is that then its a great deal

Leave Sports Carlton Banks alone!

I was expecting a RoFlo namedrop

I was 90% joking, but really seeing what he did looked like stuff most players from the bigger clubs do when they get red carded in a tight game as well

ah ok. I watched the one match/game/fixture (I DONT KNOW WHAT ITS CALLED!) they showed after the announcement, I think I like 7s a little better but hey more sports for me watch is never a bad thing. I just want an American handball league!

On the other hand, the FA just made Vardy sit against United, they clearly want Tottenham to win it, right?!

This is what came to my mind when I read the headline too

Not sure if its the same, but did you see that NBC picked up Premiership Rugby?

I’ve rooted for Leicester ever since Ted Lasso!

Dont blame MTV on this one. The record companies charges two arms and a leg to play even 1 music video now, and thats just outside of prime time. The record companies killed MTV.

I’m pretty sure thats the wrong one

Sounds like you want a job at Gawker Media, brother!

Saw the name, thought the comment would end in “brother!”

Yea, hes a great performer..which most of the time is more important than being a great wrestler in WWE. But if he never morphed in to Stone Cold he wouldnt be the iconic figure he is today. I’m sure if you asked all 3 of them, which of them was the best pure wrestler they’d say HBK, whos probably the least well known

He wasnt. He hardly wrestled after the neck injury. Stunning Steve and The Ringmaster were great wrestlers, but Stone Cold wasnt about wrestling. Just like Foley and The Rock arent about wrestling. They’re brawlers. Something completely different.

Because that's the only people like him anyway? Stunning Steve? Great wrestler, not iconic. Stone Cold? Horrible wrestler, one of the top 3 all time in popularity