This is Gawker Media, they dont have time to be correct AND snarky.
This is Gawker Media, they dont have time to be correct AND snarky.
Yea...probably the reason why shes the only one that had any type of rhythm. Not much, but a little
Girl Meets World is surprisingly good...compared to other kids shows out now. But theres enough Corey and Topanga in the star (Riley?) to make it somewhat believable that its their kid
I stuck on “Michael Jordan” being an insult... If someone compared me to one of, if not the best player of a sport I’d be honored
Yea, I caved after I got fired while having a 9 pt lead in the league. Maybe if EA actually called fouls made by the CPU I wouldnt be so pissed off
Same, I just turned off the ref listening.
Lord knows I do it all the time
Agree on everything except fatboys... Mini Nukes save my life
Actually, the award normally reads Sportsman of the year, unless won by a woman. So if want to go by what the award really is, Serena shouldnt even be in the running
Well, that horse (and jockey) did do something hasnt been done in decades
My wife asks me why I do this all the time.... I always tell her because.... ....I’m either wondering in to a thought or out of one.... depending on where they’re located..................
.........yea i’m gonna keep saying the word spaz
My take away from this article? Sex bad violence good!
You must be really bored
I want to star this so hard that it’ll put me in jail!
“Spazzy” is an autism jab? Thats new to me
Cooties, thats why
That last image was just the laugh I needed this morning, thank you
No one should watch Around The Horn
Jezebel, thats who! Because he has a penis, thats why!