
Of course! That's how it works in Europe. MLS is shit until we have teams striving to mid table year after year instead of focusing on winning the cup

This it's like me saying "I don't understand how some couples AREN'T swingers... Different stokes for different folks, you know?""

But the Smallville universe doesn't exist anymore so it can't be expanded

I get what you're saying. But there's no connection. Meanwhile Arrow it's connected to Flash and soon Vixen and possibly ATOM and Supergirl

There's checking in the All Star games?

Watch him on The Newsroom, then watch him in Idiocracy. Serious Crews makes funny Crews even more hilarious

I use "LoL" when I'm creepin it up

I read Puck The Media for about a year, then started to follow him for about 2 month before I realized that all we have in common is the fact that we're both Devils fan. He came off as a huge douche. After that I stopped following him and ignored his opinion based stuff on AA

Atleast I admit I'm an amateur pornographer

I think she was MEANT to be annoying, she wasn't supposed to return

They both claim that entire scene was 100% ad lib.... And I believe them

Road Rash!!!!!!

Well, now I want a 3D TV

Listen to Talk is Jericho with Triple H. It's not good first time getting involved in the politics of it all

I did the exact opposite... Maybe because I'm such a huge fan of Arrow lol

Wasn't that apart of 2?

Hmmm... I'm not a fan of any of these improvements I think

I normally add "/tag/whatimlookingfor" to search for what I'm looking for at the end of the site like io9.com/tag/gotham

I'll say it again, I'm fine with timed exclusives, but for 9 months to a year?

I'm fine with timed exclusives, but for 9 months to a year?