
I thought it was because we look down on sex but man do we love our guns

What beach was this? Gunnison is part normal, part nude. Granted I'm on her side, but if she wanted to be topless she should have went there

I guess i should have stated that I meant it as a legal term

Hate to be the bad guy, but they're right. Natural Disasters are Acts Of God

How much of AllTel did Verizon give up?

I'm a big Gaga fan but HUGE Rise Against fan so I'm hoping they take this one

Add another heart

I knew this was a pro iPhone site but geez, can there be some sense of decent journalism?

I have a Windows Phone. We do have choices over physical keyboards, phone screens, and web browsers..But you do still have the other things...for a while.

same here

I played both versions on the 360 as well and didnt have the problems you speak of

Yea, that was the point...so I dont know how I feel about it being less now

reminds me of the 3rd Street Saints

The layout itself is fine, the bug and things missing are not.

It probably because I'm a guy....but I dont like this :(

OK, I cant speak for anyone else...but its impossible for me to scroll the headlines in the side bar on my laptop

Yea, I only watched about 10 minutes of my DVR of the latest show, but he mentioned Cooper's "pretty" face...so I think its a push.

@ExactlyCake: I'm wrong, thats ok. But I still think of it that way

@pichou: I understand what you're saying. But what I'm saying that once you start changing what you're born with, its mutilation. We can argue if its for better or for worse but its still mutilation IMO.

@mustlovebooknerd: Thats the thing, it is a cultural thing, thats why you think its ok. The fact that your penis was altered proves that it was mutilated. If women being circumcised was a cultural thing over here, you'd be fine with it too.