Tilly Jeanette Pearce

I loved this episode. Does anyone know if Andre Brauer really is done in this show as Holt? Coz thats killing me.

Its been announced that the originals and vampire diaries are being shown on the same day, in succession of each other next season. if they dont do a crossover itd be extremely odd.

This episode KILLED IT. For me the Vampire Diaries has been losing its edge for a while, especially with Elena and Damon…but this episode. DAMN! Easily their best in a long time. Might actually be my favourite ever. Shame to have lost Kai though- hes been the most twisted villain on this show and bought out the

thank you! there was potential for them this episode but the writers chose to go down the 'traumaztise lily' route- part of her charm is she's a little sociopathic, it would've been nice to see them be actual parents and ground her a little bit.

i have not enjoyed this season as much as i have previous seasons, as it seems too scattered. they throw andy in every now and again, hayley drops in and out of episodes with little to no explanation, there has been abslutely no development of luke, manny or lily. as well as this, and as the writer has pointed out,

Ah Katya, My Katya….I knew this was going to happen, but I was so hoping that she would make it to top three. She deserves it. But her nerves clearly got the better of her this episode.

I'm getting bored of Fame now. I figure the top three as Pearl, Violet and Ginger - though I personally want Katya in there somewhere. Katyas the only one that has been consistent and not so much of a bitch- plus shes hilarious, especially in her interviews.

It also wouldn't shock me if Damon switched off his humanity and he went back to making the groups life hell.

i kind of expect Caroline to be given the cure, after she kills Elena in a bid to get back her humanity. Then next season is her dealing with that, the rest of the group dealing with that, and the different ways in which we expect them to deal with that (obviously with some looming over-presence of a major threat to

I'm sad they didn't use ''Guardians of the Phallus-Y''