
If that's not creepy, I don't know what is.

@tc4001: No need to be snarky about it. Installing applications looks exactly the same on Chrome.

I looked at the preview image and thought someone had created a Opera skin for Chrome.

About four months ago, my then girlfriend's Dad told me they'd make a move away from the traditional desktop interface... I guess he was right. :)

Ooooh, Instant on the OSX version. :D

@acutelyaware: Pro-tip: If you don't like it, turn it off.

@kingkellogg: Bungie's DLC NEVER fails to kick ass, though.

Tip, you cannot have the Tabbed Settings enabled to use this or the Cloud Print settings.

Where is this Cloud Print option. I've checked on Linux, Vista and OS X and I still can't find it.

Android is quickly becoming on par with iOS in terms of App quality...

Someone call House...

@medopal: As is Webkit, though. (Open-source projects)

I'm actually wondering when they're going to drop FF and install Chrome by default.

Is it still 50+MBs?

@KingBroseph: Fair enough. I still don't think it's the same thing.

@MikeSchmick: People need to stop being so damn paranoid.