If that's not creepy, I don't know what is.
If that's not creepy, I don't know what is.
@tc4001: No need to be snarky about it. Installing applications looks exactly the same on Chrome.
I looked at the preview image and thought someone had created a Opera skin for Chrome.
About four months ago, my then girlfriend's Dad told me they'd make a move away from the traditional desktop interface... I guess he was right. :)
Ooooh, Instant on the OSX version. :D
@acutelyaware: Pro-tip: If you don't like it, turn it off.
@kingkellogg: Bungie's DLC NEVER fails to kick ass, though.
@icantroll: I figured it out :)
Tip, you cannot have the Tabbed Settings enabled to use this or the Cloud Print settings.
Where is this Cloud Print option. I've checked on Linux, Vista and OS X and I still can't find it.
@John T. Haller: Chrome 8, John...
Android is quickly becoming on par with iOS in terms of App quality...
@Raijin「雷神」Needs A Gold Star: I thought the same thing...
Someone call House...
@medopal: As is Webkit, though. (Open-source projects)
I'm actually wondering when they're going to drop FF and install Chrome by default.
Is it still 50+MBs?
@Jimmy From The Block: Chrome Dev has something better: Tabpose.
@KingBroseph: Fair enough. I still don't think it's the same thing.
@MikeSchmick: People need to stop being so damn paranoid.