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    Abuse at any age, male or female is devastating to a person’s psyche, but as an adult you usually have some tools that you can use to process the trauma. For children, it shapes their entire lives. It changes the way you view love, bodily autonomy and your general outlook on life. Each person choosing to speak up is

    Ummm... You shut your pirate hooker mouth. Coming from someone who was never into WW and didn’t even watch it in theaters bc I was so “meh” about it, then finally saw it on a plane and proceeded to cry 3x just in the first 30 min: WONDER WOMAN IS A GODDAMN TREASURE.

    Truth be told the thing is a bit scary. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but I have already been burned by the steam. Also my pressure valve constantly gets stuck, so I have to use a skewer (bc it’s the perfect size) to pop it into place once the steam starts bursting out.

    FINALLY. This needs to happen nationwide, but specifically states where it has been legalized for recreational use... eh hem, looking at you MA! I hope something is set up where it’s automatic rather than requiring the person convicted of the crime to have to petition. However, I think it’s trickier than that because

    Obviously it’s the right thing to do, but that’s not the issue. A person shouldn’t be getting recognition for not doing the obviously wrong thing. Just bow out and shut the fuck up about it. It’s the same thing as the whole “we should be talking about the men who don’t sexually harass.” No we fucking shouldn’t.

    This isn’t an unprovoked insult. It’s not some person walking down the street and someone calls them fat or anorexic. This isn’t someone posing in a picture, modeling their new outfit and a jackass throws out some body shaming insult for no reason other than to make themselves feel better. When a garbage person spits

    What year is it? I feel like half of those dresses came out of the 2001 MTV movie awards. Yuck.

    The world of camel beauty contests are high stakes. If you’re not in it for the glory, get the hell out. #saudisnexttopcamel #nextlevelfierce

    I don’t think we are doing enough to talk about the grey areas. There are clear violators and predators and then bad dates, but so much in between. I find it strange that so many people assume that non-verbal cues are clear, when so often they are not. Even verbal ones such as “let’s chill” could be construed as

    Hate does the body good.

    Unrelated side note: Who in an adult relationship holds hands with their SO without interlocking fingers? That’s how an adult hold’s a child’s hand. Aliens.

    I’m dumbfounded that this kind of thinking is still around (and that someone decided to publish that victim blaming swill). I find it extremely unlikely that Mayim Bialik has never been sexually harassed or that her “modest” behavior and dress has protected her — guys she does wear red lipstick after all. If it has,

    Champers, HA! I have a friend who says it (from the US) and now it’s something I’ve picked up. I guess I’ll stop.

    He says from the the biggest shelter for fragile egos around- the white house.

    “I’m someone who believes in more monuments, not less monuments.”*

    If I was a reporter and I dug up some skeletons of a subject, I would not choose to release them while isolated and out to sea in a submarine with said subject. Because, safety. But, if you happen to be an egomaniac who has a beautiful and intelligent woman isolated and completely dependent upon you... well, there is

    Lorde’s video is basically snapshots of gorgeous scenery and weird hand movements.

    While I’m sad to lose The Queen of Thorns, Lady Olenna, her death scene was epic. It now sets the tone for Jaime being Valenqor because I think he will be in a position to have to choose between Cersei and Tyrion once again. When Jaime let Tyrion go the first time, he believed Tyrion was innocent of killing Joffrey,

    She wouldn’t stop laughing at him. Didn’t she know that bruising a man’s ego is a capitol offense? Besides, did you see what she was wearing? She was clearly asking for it.

    First, the sand snakes are the worst and I’m glad they are dead. I know people seem to think that they are better in the books but even in the books, I found myself saying “I don’t care, I don’t care, I DON’T CARE!” The first three books were amazing, however GRRM isn’t that great at character development because he