I’m impressed you noticed that. “EyeOnThePrize” indeed.
I’m impressed you noticed that. “EyeOnThePrize” indeed.
I liked their first album, but definitely didn’t love it. Little too much 80's nostalgia.
According to the article’s main image: boobs.
Honest question: I’ve heard of the hover & spray phenomenon. Is there a reason no one lifts the seat when they do that? I figure if you’re not going to touch the thing anyway, why make it worse for the next person (unless there’s a “tragedy of the commons” type thing going on there)?
As a Minnesotan, he is He Who Must Not Be Named.
Yep. No member of the Red Sox was ever well-known for that behavior. I can’t think of even one (or two) over the last few years, no, sir.
At least he still gets to bat. It would be an horrible tragedy if he went to the AL.
I travel enough to come within a few flights of higher status, but never quite over the top. Finally got Silver this year and I’m never leaving Econ Plus again. Stupid long dancer legs.
I’ve flown ANA before. When I heard the flight attendants were getting into the mix, I was impressed. Sure enough, she hung in there.
It’s easier than you’d think.
To be fair, she was over a football field and half from home plate. Guessing you’re not expecting it up there.
Also, it appears she did try to catch it. Just not as successful as she would have liked though...
Watching that game, but missed the dinger. Why did they cut BACK to the hit-in-face woman?
Did anyone see The Ramen Girl? Clearly inspired by Tanpopo. I still don’t know if I hated it, or just didn’t like it.
The Funeral is a great movie too, though I never saw any of his others. I really like his tone. I believe the main character in Tanpopo (and the wife in The Funeral) is his wife.
I need to watch this again. One of my favorite scenes is the one with the junior member of the company showing up all of the senior colleagues when ordering his meal.
Assuming it was intentional, so great job on the pic. Those lights are perfect.
This was at Target Field.