
It’s likely due to:

Make shitposting great again.

You mean guy who came across as a dickhead is an even bigger dickhead than first thought?

I’ll tell you the same thing I have to tell everyone who blindly defends free market and capitalism: There is no such thing as either of them.

But it IS the cause. American capitalism IS all about gaming and manipulating the system. The textbook definition of free markets and capitalism are nothing but fantasy bullshit. The reality is a criminal operation on a daily basis.

Exactly, we don’t. We live in a rigged market society where corporations use the government to pass laws that benefit themselves while using the government as both the stalking horse and scapegoat.

Oh, it was the government ripping off the students?

Shaun King posted on Facebook:

So she didn’t just shoot him despite the fact that his hands were up. She shot him BECAUSE he put up his hands?

But, free market! Capitalism!

The difference is the libertarians don’t want to do anything about it. A libertarian government wouldn’t do anything to shut down ITT. They would just say “tough shit” to the students.

Wasn’t intentional. Simply thought it went without saying. Thanks for pointing that out.

Yeah that’s not really the concerning part. I feel like you’re intentionally misreading what a very obvious criticism is, which is that mob rule squelching minority opinions doesn’t exactly create the sort of environment Youtube may want to create.

So basically rather than hire QA/Moderation teams to do a good job they’re letting Joe public do it for free and hope it doesn’t get abused.

I just want to say that this is a really well done article, especially contrasting the compensation of the executives with the debt of the students. This is a good example of why Libertarianism is ridiculous. It encourages people to leech as much capital as possible with no thought to justice or fairness and little

Am I the only one who thinks that virulent shit talking should be relegated to exclusively amongst friends and not in the public eye?

Now playing

I played Threewave CTFS in Quake 3 an hour a day (work days) at lunch for about 8 years. Really miss it.

Here’s a grenade/rocket jump I did.

It doesn’t have to be a part of it, but it *is* part of it. When male (and even female) players shit-talk one another, the language is remarkably gendered: competitors are called pussies, winning is often referred to as raping another player, and any number of comments are made about the sexual behavior of

The worst one I keep seeing is “You can’t believe everything protestors say” the implication being that their explanation of events is some how worse than the police’s, which is just fucking ridiculous when we’ve seen how often the police just blatantly lie and obfuscate.

This is what I keep saying. Cops lie all the time. Comments keep coming up like “well, if he was holding a gun?” OR “he was 13 he shouldn’t have held up a gun at the cops.” Do you know if that really happened. In my city a young man was shot multipe times by police and the public was told he was in a police chase and