
I sat in the bathroom in January, crying, after my wife braced me for the fact that David Bowie was dead and she wanted to break it to me before I started reading my FB feed. Not a huge Leto fan, but I don’t wish death on him. This seems more than simply a bit wrong to think.

This show needs longer time jumps. Many of these things could be avoided if they would just admit to themselves that they started this story way too early for what they clearly want to do with it.

Pence looks like his head is trying to swallow his eyes.

Mike Pence is a dead ringer for an extremely bitter custodian at a school I used to work at.

Pence is so damn generic looking. He looks like the stock photo of "Republican Politician" someone googled to put on a powerpoint.

“he said to his staff member who was standing there, ‘Did you know she was in Congress?’ And she said, ‘Well, I saw her pin.’”

Just an observation I’ve made as I’ve gotten older, to certain types of men women over a certain age are pretty much invisible. Ryan seems like exactly that type of guy.

Oh I thought from the picture you were going to say he didn’t recognize Pence (who used to be in Congress), which would have been fucking hilarious.

Lies, racism, misogyny, and galling self-dealing are hardly a new phenomenon in American politics but we should still point out that they are bad.

The accepted term is specialneedsigrade.

Well, at least now I know what super powers I want.

tl;dr But at the beginning it mentioned their DNA being protected from a protein. This reminds me of an episode from the Outer Limits called Music of the Spheres. Earth starts picking up this signal that sounds like music from an intelligent life form from another solar system. People become addicted to it and their

+1 to communication between developers and consumers

This is actually kind of a neat situation, both in terms of Atlus being pretty fun and candid and showcasing a bit of the behind the scenes stuff with localization.

Just incredible assholes. Makes me boil with anger. I kinda want to fight these guys.

Can’t wear white after Labor Day. Fools

trump’s harmful rhetoric, dumb ass bathroom bills, and already vulnerable communities are in even more danger.

One of my favorite plays ever.

*walks into the comments section & looks around disgustedly*

I love Kim’s sense of humor.