
Hey guys. Remember when we used to burn Lebron jerseys 6 years ago? No? Okay.

“God damn it.”

I don’t care how drunk you are - it takes a special breed of scumbag to kick someone who’s already down in the head, or to kick a woman.

$1,500 bond. They could have killed the guy or turned him into a vegetable for the rest of his life. $1,500? Sounds like someone is the son of a mayor, judge, prosecutor, police chief, sherif or some such.

A kid at my old high school was arrested for selling pot. His bail? $25,000. If they have done this before, I can’t see why $1,000 would even seem justifiable.

Social media will be the downfall of civilization. When your children’s children’s children are sitting around the communal fire after a hard day of hunting and gathering, they will still be telling cautionary tales about the mythical beasts, Twitter and Facebook, that consumed most of the world and left only a few

If it makes you feel any better, I always read your posts and never share the link.

Most gawker network readers read the headlines then immediately post comments and hate on you guys. Then read the article and realize they are wrong but can’t edit it because of the kinja time limit

I just came here to post a useless comment.

Damn you, callous and uncaring universe! Can’t you just take Kim-Jong Un or some other asshole we don’t want, and leave us just 1 cool dude!?


it just seems like a less than likely story whereas “getting lost in the woods while high on shrooms and making up a story” is the sort of thing you actually see all the time.

Wellll...her story is pretty...uh...let’s see:

Jezebel: I want to believe

I guess I’ll be that person here and admit that this sounds like a tall tale to me.

My favorite alternate JFK theory is that one of the Secret Service agents heard the shot, panicked, pulled out his gun, fired at where he heard the shot come from, and accidentally hit JFK right in the head.

Marry me?

Now playing

OK, I guess I'll just come right out and explain the joke, since you're pretending to have the reading comprehension and critical reasoning faculties of a fish stick.