"A thing like that!"
"A thing like that!"
If they want to kill him off, they could have Jason Segel play his son, and make his character a lawyer who quit his job to follow in dad's football steps as a football coach.
"Growing Pains" spin-off "Just The Ten of Us." Bonus points if they bring it back by bringing back "Growing Pains" first. They will lose points, however, if the teen star of the new "Growing Pains" follows in Kirk Cameron's footsteps.
Iggy Azalea
They were able to find Will in the park because he made sure to check in there on Foursquare or Grindr.
But he'll really get to shine when he starts working for the hologram program!
"Did I doooo that."* What I hope he said after the stabbing.
I can't stand all the extra sound either.
Why are there so many ghost cats in the treehouse?
Finally, I can rest in peace.
"Who's Icarus?"
Tihon from War and Peace
Best theme song written by one band for another band: They Might Be Giant's "We're the Replacements."
There are ladies present.