I think my favorite part about this post is its admission that it doesn’t even take the time to read the VERY short article in-order to ensure a “First!”, and interject a comment about as deep.
I think my favorite part about this post is its admission that it doesn’t even take the time to read the VERY short article in-order to ensure a “First!”, and interject a comment about as deep.
“I felt going for an exclusivity deal would show that my word means nothing (as I just had promised the game would launch on Steam),” wrote Marhulets on Reddit. The positive response from fans was huge.
Stephen, PLEASE endeavor to get everyone more educated on what’s going on here. The opposition is being painted in a broad shallow stroke. It is not as cut and dry as some butthurt gamers causing a toxic stir. Epic is BAD for the industry. At best, they are not “Good”.
Enticing Devs to break contracts with their…
...but the current era of malcontent is most neatly demarcated by the launch of the Epic Games Store in December, a storefront that at this point, a vocal group of PC games fans object to on principle.
Coño! Are we having a colonization contest here?!? I’m too passive for this ;p I promise you, the things my grandparents did,and suffered, to make sure I got to exist were not pretty either! And the Americans weren’t much of a help on that front for us tambien!
No, I love you guys, Neighbor.
Mi Hermanx, The Puerto Ricans have my heart. Both our people have had their share of trouble. I was just being funny as its my favorite thing to polk you guys about. It’s a fantastic flag, and not just cause it looks like ours, though it helps.
My Friend (who stole our Cuban flag and just reversed the colors), you get as hot about the issue as you want. I hear you. I also have language degrees and I get it. Languages Lives! I just don’think everyone has to LOVE a new word or term.
But I certainly get it.
The first time my wife left from having diner at my…
Some people here have never sat at a latin family’s dinner table, and it shows.
you’re not being very nice afri.
Well, IF you had read carefully, you might have discerned that I was very much “ok” in having that word in the lexicon for those who wanted/needed it.
I think Ultimately, I find it a bit Simplistic, even Imperialistic, to be defined by a single term when referring to a people, and shared heritage, that spans literally…
I mean... latino can mean a male person of... Spanish-Like-Origins. Or it can mean the entire body of Spanish-Origined-Like People.
Yes. Its gendered. Because literally EVERYTHING in Romance Languages are.
I get it. I get why it exists. But its not how I’ll identify. I will, however, respect those that want to be referred to by the term, but I’m not keen on it being forced as a term to represent all Latinos. [shrugs]. It’s a wild world, and we should all play nice with each other, while making an attempt to understand…
Games as tools to expose players, who have the agency, to experience every “side” of a conflict.
You seem REALLY fun to hang out with. When can we schedule a playdate? I’m super interested to engage you in conversation about all sorts of topics.
When you pretend to just not get it, and you want to impose a “It’s a Steam Issue” in an attempt to reduce the legitimacy of exclusivity opponents.
I get it. You think this is serious and you’re willing to fight for it. I do not think this is serious, particularly considering the context, and I’ve run out of the wish or will to discuss it any further.
Thanks for the discussion, and your point of view.
They were heard and considered.
We can decide to project a lot of things where ever we want. I agree. OR, perhaps I don’t understand how truly nuanced and rich Overwatch Lore actually is.
Has it been detailed that “Sigma” received a TBI from this incident, or did the interaction with the black hole trigger previous traumas? What is the nature of his…
I don’t think that’s the question I ended with. However, there is a robot. Several robots. And a Gorilla. And a Cyborg. So, we’re playing pretty fast an loose with reality here. Which makes portraying it difficult, would you not agree?
This IS a game with more than one sentient robotic life form and a super genius talking ape, right? And the issues with this individual are based around attempting to harness the power of a black hole? The effects of which are completely and utterly unknown to... anyone really. Literally an impossible thing to create…
Dear God, in the early days, NEXON was the WORST! I forget what game it was... combat arms? It was a military shooter back in the ‘aughts’. “F2P” however you could RENT OP guns for real money to pwn players with. It didn’t stop me from playing at first. I took it as a challenge but... RENT. Like, pay to borrow the gun…