
Why not both?

peter is with the gays, not the grays, dude.

You were one once. In fact, everyone, ever, was.

Cats are indeed better company than most men.

It does seem like women tend to go a bit nuts once they reach their 30s if they are single. I buy the Biological Clock Theory.

I hate Republicans about as much as i hate Democrats

True. Nikki Haley doesn’t care about women at all. Why would he?

“I’m definitely against all bans, because I know these are just steps towards banning abortion entirely”

She had satellite photos of North Korean military installations. By definition, those are classified. It wasn’t “after the fact” — they were always classified. Stop defending her. She’s a power-hungry, craven, sociopath, just like her husband and almost everyone else in politics.

Considering that she told Abedin she set it up to avoid FOIA requests, that seems kind of obvious

What? You shut up, you shitlord. You’re probably hetero and cis too, right?

“ When men go missing.... searchers look for days. When women go missing, *silence*”

“I wish I could pretend that this is just a weird blip, but it’s not.”

18 people in 30 years? Is that a lot? What amount is expected? How many men disappeared in that time? Children?

“I’m a woman, and I know damn well that Hillary is only on my side until her husband sexually harasses me”

The craven opportunism is what gets me. It’s so ridiculous.

Are you new here? Jezebel dismisses any negative opinion towards someone they like as “sexism,” “racism,” or “homophobia.” They themselves reduce the individuals that they ostensibly like to nothing more than a set of genitals and pigmentation.

What does Weld have to do with the Birch Society?

Most people do. Same with Gary Johnson. The two of them were ridiculously successful as governors, particularly Johnson.

I like that this article was written by JE “The Third” Reich. That wasn’t lost on me.