
NPR deserves to be lit on fire along with every other media outlet that legitimized Trumps bullshit

I had a coworker explain to me that he couldn’t think Trump was a racist “just because of what he says. You don’t know that he’s going to DO anything racist, so you can’t know if he’s really racist.” “He got sued twice for housing discrimination.” “Yeah, but my parents rented a house to a black family, and they

You forget, only minorities can be racist, by calling them racist

They can’t fetishize her properly because she has actual power.

To do that, they’d have to actually believe that they’re racist. But few of them actually do.

“I’m not a racist — those are only things I say from my true heart-of-hearts in private to my friends!”

If in 2004 you would have told me that literally every other cast member in Mean Girls would have a bigger career than Lohan within 10 years I’d have called you crazy. And here we are.

The Lisa Frank Bible would be a massive hit.

Am I part of the problem if I suggest that they may be a dot on the Venn diagram of substance abuse issues, lack of quality higher education, and admiring Trump?

You can’t win if you don’t play.

I’m sure they tip handsomely.


we are now boarding the passengers seated in the no class section of our fight.

My husband once pissed me off before a flight. I stared out the window in silence for three hours, out the bus window for one hour and then through a 30 minute information session at the hotel, before finally continuing our fight once ensconced in our room. These people need to be sentenced to a rage repression

“You’re already going to jail.”

I guess you could say we will 🇷🇺 the day.

I am so with you! I always say this: If a house is broken into, people don’t go around saying you should have bars on your window. Why did you leave your house alone? Your house was so inviting, the burglar couldn’t resist. And they don’t use the lack of security, etc. to let the burglar off the hook. So why do we do

Yeah but lifelong trauma resulting from rape is free!