
I always wonder how people like this manage to pay their rent.

"She aint smelly, she's my mother."

Guess what? Goodwill does the exact same thing—packages used clothing they can't sell in North America into bales and ships it to Africa, where it's sold by merchants.

"Jesus turned water into wine. I turned whiskey into vomit. It's basically the same thing and if you were dateable you'd get it."

Guy Fieri/Rick Moranis love child?

I know for a fact there are people that think it's real. I have met A LOT of people that believe everything on tv is real. Scripted or not, they can't understand acting and stories.

Back in the day, in elementary school, when they fed us god knows what (this was in the late 70s), I was eating a corn dog, and bit down on something hard. I spit it out, and my friends and I stared in wonder at the pea-sized metal shaving that came out of my mouth. Then I shrugged and finished the corn dog. The

I worked for a short while in customer service for an ISP and one day this guy calls (not a customer) and demands that we call his neighbour (a customer) and ask that they disable the password for their w-fi because he could no longer access the Internet since his neighbour enabled password protection. He even

Theres no debate on whether its okay for a straight guy (I'm tired of the pseudo intellectual "cisgender heterosexual" Tumblr speak) wants to date a trans woman, or if a trans woman is a woman. I merely scoffed at the iinsistence on the word "real" to refer to trans women because quite literally they are not "real"

I used to work with this one guy with one leg. (He was one of the higher-functioning clients at a day program for people with developmental disabilities.) When we went to the grocery store he would always ask for the motorized scooters so he could back them into me repeatedly while laughing his ass off. Then he would

And I would go so far to say that "having a penis makes you a man" is in itself a social construct. Why would I need one to convince myself I am a man? Can't I be whatever I want to be without altering my biology?

if gender is a social construct then why do we insist on surgically adopting gender stereotypes to fit said construct?

As the mother of an autistic son, I've hit "ZOMG what causes autism?!?" fatigue. I sort of don't care. I mean, I do, but after years of hearing vax bullshit and vague whatsits from small-scale studies, I'm over it. I'm tired of autism being portrayed like the 21st century plague. I have a son and I need to know the

Deport the attacker.

"Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?"

I'm a straight woman who feels like no one's attracted to me. I "peaked" over ten years ago according to men. At least men don't depreciate like fucking cars. Whyyyy do men think women are never lonely, rejected, ignored?! Is it because the "dime pieces" are literally the only ones on your radars?

That's a reptile dysfunction...

I think snakes have a hisstory of being in the road.

Yes! He was behind the couch the whole time.