Enough with the fucking rape/child molestation plotlines. It’s a terrible thing that sometimes - we get it. Why give it so much screen time?
Enough with the fucking rape/child molestation plotlines. It’s a terrible thing that sometimes - we get it. Why give it so much screen time?
You could go with what Scott and Zelda called each other: Dear One, or D.O.
I worked at a Target years ago and parents routinely did the very same thing there. We’d hear the service desk paging parents who weren’t even in the store - they’d drop their kids (we’re talking first graders and younger) at the store and just drive off to spend some quality alone time.
The Fourth annual Internet Cat Video Festival will be held in St. Paul’s new ballpark on August 12th. Be there or be Team Dog.
I’ve seen commercial-grade juicers at work. Those mofos can juice ANYTHING, up to and including probably most forms of igneous rock.
What a sorry mess I am to see.
Even friends can’t stand to look at me.
Oh, I despise
My leprosy.
I’m not half the man I used to be.
Pieces keep on falling off of me.
It happens now
So gradually.
When my tongue fell off,
I don’t know, I couldn’t say.
I said, [*garbled*] “zump ping wong”.
Now I long for that…
Boomers (who still make up a significant portion of the population) are aging, and losing abilities comes with that. Physical infirmities can make shifting more difficult or painful. You won’t groan from your bad back or bum knee with an automatic shift.
Yeah, ‘ludes were a popular party drug in the 70s. Also known as thigh-openers. From Rod Stewart’s “Dirty Weekend”:
As a lifelong Minnesota resident, I can guarantee that there never was a Waffle House here in the 70s. It’s a safe bet that 95% of the state residents at that time had never even heard of the chain.
At my very first job at a bakery, a group of teenage boys came up and asked my sixteen-year-old self if we sold hair pie. Never having heard that term before, I just confusedly said, “No, we don’t have that”, and they ran off giggling.
One of Gable’s wives (Kay) recounts that on her first date with Clark, they ended up back at his place, where he nonchalantly suggested, “Why don’t you just go upstairs and get undressed?”
I do disagree with her about being a bystander. You might not be committing a crime, but provided that you could feasibly do something to prevent the crime from happening without bringing serious risk to yourself, you are complicit with it if you just stand by and watch.
Except that he initially campaigned on an anti-public employee platform, and the public employees voted for him in droves, because they didn’t really believe he meant to go after them and their jobs. It’s the classic individualistic everybody-deserves-to-lose-their-job-but-me idiot attitude that works so well to…
I don’t understand how one person can be such a goddamn evil fucking asshole.
I was ghosted by a once-best friend. She owed me a few hundred dollars and disappeared. No mystery there.
If you’ve had the misfortune to get involved with a narcissist, odds are you’ll end up ghosted when he picks his latest prey to suck dry. But narcissists have a well-known tendency to not only ghost, but later to ‘hoover’ - get back in touch and try their damndest to pull you back in - because former victims are the…
I told my friends (who all rushed to be the first to tell me that my boyfriend had just gotten married) that I hoped he had all the happiness he deserved.
frankly I need some tact in telling them to fuck the fuck off with their nosey questions.
Back in the day, a number of cocktails and party drugs were humorously called ‘thigh openers’, ‘leg openers’ and such. Not because people were into drugging and raping, but because everyone knew that if you wanted to have a good time, engaging in these products would often lead to having a good time of another sort.