
Leading up to last November's elections, we were subjected to a barrage of ads telling us that Big Government was trying to tell families what they should eat, and that Government should not get between mothers and their children. The ad concluded with an exhortation to call your congresscritter and tell him or her

I think it's way past time to do a counter-sting on the Catholic Church. Have a couple tell priests that they've been abused by other priests, and film the cover-up hijinks that ensue.

@ukuleslie: That was my sister's experience when she adopted from a no-kill shelter. She dealt with it by lying through her teeth, even to signing the contract that stated all the things she agreed to do and not do with the cat. She figured nobody had a right to tell her what to do. Specifically, she intended to let

@notallrainbows: Then a huge chunk of the money flowing into the Church would flow back out to support the families of priests. Which would so cripple the Church financially it would shrink dramatically, and become a minor player on the world religion/politics scenes. Which is why priests will NEVER be allowed to

Watching this, I just had the most horrifying thought enter my head: suppose these types of guys who are attracted to these dolls because of their helpless, living-dead aspect, decide to work in nursing homes or group homes where they can find real women who resemble the dolls?

@Luddittte: "Wasn't sex originally only meant as a means of reproduction?"

"Birdie, birdie, in the sky...

@Myrna_Minkoff: I think her natural power animal is an ass, but that's just me.

@voteforme: My niece had one of her groomsmen throw a shit fit the morning of her wedding and walk out. This after promising repeatedly that yes, he was up for the wedding and looking forward to it.

From an article in today's Minneapolis Star Tribune:

I wonder how much of this is due to the rescue-the-damsel-in-distress thing so many guys have going. You know - Oh, you poor dear girl: I will save you, I will ease your pain, I will be The One who makes you happy.

Oh, I can't wait to see the ad for the Playtex jockey that promises to "lift and separate" those balls. THEN we'll have sartorial equality.

@Ollielop: It might help to think of it as an issue of status. Face it - in contemporary western culture, physical attractiveness and material assets are the primary indicators of social status. Human beings are hierarchal animals; we prefer to achieve higher status, but will settle for the status quo. We don't want

@crocuta: Perhaps successful women are conscious of their status and don't care to risk it by becoming known as that desperate woman who chases young guys; isn't it a shame she can't find a good man her own age; must be something wrong with her; etc.

There was a small fad about this at that time, the theory being that the fact that the clitoris retracts under its hood as a woman approaches orgasm actually hindered her ability to reach orgasm. The most heinous advocate of this was a hack gynecologist named James Burt, who operated on many, many of his female

@amandahugnkiss: I was under the impression that Johnny Cougar had a rep for treating all his women that way. He blamed his hot temper on his grandpa Speck, claiming he inherited it from him.

@lupelamenta: Well, if you're gonna knock Pa as a feckless, footloose dreamer, you'd better knock Ma as an uptight racist while you're at it.