
I never watched Euphoria because it just felt weird to me to watch something where I knew there’d be a lot of gratuitous teen drug use and sex. With so many shows where adults are engaging in similar behavior, why watch teenagers do it? It seemed so problematic to me.

Ah yes, sight. Famously the one sense needed to enjoy music.

So for everyone that said South Park went too far. Are you ready to eat crow or what?

maybe we wouldn’t be subjected to the 4,035th crappy Marvel movie next month.

the type of guy to say something like “wouldn’t it be CRAZY/FUNNY/EDGY if we did something like... (insert any gross thing here)?”

I had to google Sam Levinson because I never got around to watching Euphoria and the image results show the face of a man who I 100% believe would be the type of guy to say something like “wouldn’t it be CRAZY/FUNNY/EDGY if we did something like... (insert any gross thing here)?”

Who cares about feeding the homeless when a Royal has something to say.

There are very few things in life quite as pathetic as an exiled, blue-blood royal out of a job. At least when all this happened to Edward VIII, they didn’t have late night talk shows to go to. Nor did he tell us about the people he killed in Afghanistan or his circumcision.

Y’all fell asleep on the sainted Dave Grohl cooking meats for the homeless in L.A. 

I’m really glad that we got another TV interview with Prince Harry because his life is so interesting and his ideas about things are always so original.

The last time the A.V. Club posted about this film, I noticed a shocking amount of people don’t realize that Renfield pre-dates Guillermo. Just out here to remind people that this character has been around for awhile. In fact, Guillermo is a play on Renfield. Not the other way around.

I know this because I haven’t been

God I miss the days when the worst attention whore coming out of the GOP was Sarah Palin.

Honestly, I’m starting to wonder now why Marjorie wasn’t packing heat to stand her ground with. If an insane woman attacked her, wouldn’t she have been forced to draw one of the six handguns she has strapped on her at all times?

She’s absolutely lying. This never happened. She simply knows there hasn’t been a headline about her in a couple of days, and needed that sweet sweet rush of endorphins.

She seems like the kind of person to yell at and lunge at a lefthanded person for using the “devil’s hand” or whatever.

Why does this matter?

Attacked by an insane woman? Was she looking into a mirror at the time?

Nah, it was probably even more innocuous than that. I bet some octogenarian shook her head as she walked by, and now Marge is doing the Twitter equivalent of a soccer player flopping like he got shot in the knee with a cannonball at point-blank.

MTG, please produce video, a name, any proof at all. I would like to buy these people flowers and a nice supper. 

If you see this horrible person out and about, and you do not harass her and make her life at least temporarily miserable, you’re a traitor.