
Apart from general wealth the US was already the laughing stock of developed nations for many years now, but the turn over the last few years feels like a whole other level and actually quite scary. 

They would make it NOT illegal to deny contraception.  For any reason including as petty as “my religion thinks you shouldn’t have nice things”

It’s about the right to obtain and use, not government funding. The Republicans certainly are biding their time for the making-it-illegal part.

Also over-policing communities of color and blocking attempts to legalize drugs like marijuana, to feed bodies into the prison-industrial economy of legalized slavery that has persisted since the 19th century.

Of course they can’t. Since when has the GOP cared how many families live in poverty? A desperate workforce is a captive workforce, and unpaid labor is still a bonus for everyone. Study after study shows that even in two-parent working households, women still end up doing the lion’s share of the “housewife” work. No

The brand is worth $900MM. The owner is not. Forbes plays a dishonest game for clicks.If you’re getting 10% of the company profits (average royalty share for celebs in licensing), you’re only making 90M a year. Not fucking bad. But it ain’t a billion and wont be for a very very long time, especially w/ her rate of

I’m not sure anyone can afford a one income household with kids. Even women who would like to stay home

Even if we accept that her stake in the cosmetics business is worth $900 million (a BIG if), that doesn’t mean she has that kind of liquid wealth.  It’s not a publicly traded company where she can sell or margin shares if she needs cash.  The Kardashians clearly love sniffing their own farts but I think Kylie has

As a progressive feminist how do you reconcile stanning so hard for a bitch who takes 3 minute private jet flights?

She’s not trying to repair her reputation: the reputation off of which she makes money *is* feckless rich person. She’s trying to get attention, because that is the business model, of which outlets like Jezebel and writers like yourself are an integral part.

Yes, he is what he is, andd no amount of perfume on that pig would make me change my mind. But gracious, what is she thinking? She makes me sad for her with all of this.

She’s been married 4 times. I’d say it’s a fair assumption at this point. 

Truth! One of my closest friends hasn’t been single at all in the twenty years I’ve known them.  It literally boggles my mind if only because how do you even stumble across that many people you want to spend so much time with?!

Why Lopez is so fixated on marrying non-monogamous men, only to divorce them after the non-monogamous men get caught having sex with multiple women, is a mystery. Sweetie - Ben bangs the help, who are in the home. What do you think is gonna happen?

Seems like “cold feet” before the wedding would be better than after the wedding.

“but another thing we know the man loves is attention.”

We all have that one friend who is like Jlo: she jumps from relationship to relationship with no time in between, is in love with being in love, every relationship is the love of her life, etc.

It’s eye roll inducing, but also genuine for them, so like, I can only hate so much. I wish her well, but oof... he seems

NOOOOO! Not Desus and Mero!

Shia LeBeouf was bad enough. I think I’m just going to pretend the original trilogy are the only Indiana Jones movies exist - anything afterward gets filed away in the same place as the Star Wars prequels.

  • This is just a great headline: “Chris Pratt Closes the Door on Indiana Jones Casting Speculation After Getting ‘Scared’ by Harrison Ford” [ET]