Yup. Pretty sure Miller’s the one putting the notion in Trump’s head that thousands of brown migrants are swarming over the Southern Border like the Mongol hordes laying siege to China.
Yup. Pretty sure Miller’s the one putting the notion in Trump’s head that thousands of brown migrants are swarming over the Southern Border like the Mongol hordes laying siege to China.
That’s ok, I'll do it for you.
Yeah, that and when she asks Coulson about the bomb he attaches to the door of Stane’s lab “Oh, wow! What’s that? It’s, like, a little device? It’s, like, a thing that’s going to pick the lock?”
I think it’s always fun seeing the new ways that Tony’s armor comes into being (although I’m not sure where you go after “magic nanotech particles”), but I agree that the suitcase scene, even 9 years later, is still super awesome. Especially because at that point we were accustomed to the elaborate “lots of machine…
Sam Rockwell and Gary Shandling were great in this; that AC/DC-heavy sequence of Iron Man jumping out of a plane into battle a convention center was pretty good (why does Iron Man need a plane?); and the battle with a bunch of combat-bots was noisy fun. However, Mickey Rourke was acting in a totally different movie…
Iron Man 2 is, of course, very bad, but I still think the Iron Man briefcase is one of the cooler moments in the franchise. Later movies got way over the top with Iron Man’s armour, with them automatically latching onto him or shooting out of a satellite, but the briefcase suit is a far more interesting emergency suit…
No, we are angry at a bunch of authoritarians who have no problem with officers faking evidence to get convictions, who have no problem with their own shooting a suspect IN THE BACK and claim they were fearing for their life, who have no problem with officers who have lied on their own police reports in order to cover…
That’s my take as well.
I am listening to a story on NPR right this minute that mentioned Justin Fairfax’s rape accusations in a story on the Biden situation, as if they are somehow close to equivalent. When I hear that crap, I get why my otherwise liberal mother is getting so angry at some of the reporting on Biden. I can’t stand Maher, but…
Yeah, I’m uneasy that we’ll lumping all inappropriate male behaviour as sexual assault. This is a strange situation... Radio silence for 30 years and all of sudden, media blitz.
This will be unpopular...
Just a bunch of balding, pale, probably impotent and racist White men who can’t stand to see a person of color in charge. If Jussie was a White man there would be no issue. With all the crime in Chicago I’m sure they can find better things to do. A group of pathetic men who happen to wear badges. Get over yourselves…
The grays are feisty about this and also TRIGGERED, which means what I said has truth in it. They out here trying to crowdsource a verdict against Jussie. Sounds like modern day lynching to me, but oranges, origins.
Really? You guys continue to eat Kraft Macaroni and Cheese as adults, and you wonder about other places being backwaters?
How am I going to feed my kids and pay my bills
As always, it’s shitty customers making lives miserable for people in the service industry.
One who works at a chicken restaurant and spoke to the Herald was reportedly in tears describing the new policy, saying “Tips are half of what I make. … How am I going to feed my kids and pay my bills?”
Why put in automatic tips - why not just raise the price of everything by 20% and give all of the employees raises?