
Thanks! I hadn't seen that. If you haven't heard the record she did in French, it really good.

She is amaze-balls. (did you have a link in there?)

I always get dizzy when I come to Sploid.

Okay. You can embed but not edit? Sigh.

My boss is especially reluctant to pay me when it's 4:30 pm and I refuse to get out of bed. Weird, huh?

No, it's used all the time in those lines. It only lasts about 6 weeks and of course Juv and Rest last longer. But because it's a very small amount it isn't pricey.

Sounds nasty. I'd never seen the sight before that item. I was simply pointing out an omission in the story.

Absolutely! She's certainly gotten them plumped. I was just addressing the botox issue.

Upper lips do. In the lines above the top lip. It takes the lines away and pulls the lip up which makes it look fuller. It also can make people talk funny.

The Radar pice on LL says that the "audience member" was the editor of Crazy Days And Nights. I don't know if that would make it more or less true, but it's not a random.

So she's having more sex while in jail then I am in my easy breezy life. Damn.

A for effort and hip action, but I would find that really annoying.

Dr Jessica Wu is a Los Angeles Dermatologist, and this is her advice:

Come on, the first one was a full on fun romp. Check your pop corn.

All these blogs are confusing. Are you all just going to poach from each other and post it as original content?

I tried!

No great reason. I've never been a fan of MM's acting, and the show just doesn't appeal to me.

Jesus, I love you, I love Sploid. I have no love for "true detective" or Matthew McM. Ever.

If he had to read a list of nominees I can see that happening, but all he had to do was say - not read - a name that he knew in advance that he would be saying. And he would have had rehearsal too.