
You can say what you want and I want my kids to be paranoid. The biggest lie you can tell your children is to be trusting. I also don't want my kids to ever feel like I don't want to hear it or I am too busy. We have no idea how many kids have been messed with that have not disclosed. Again, you get one shot with each

I am not a fan of either one but Lee Daniels seriously irks me.

Thanks... I literally had the best mom (she was reasoned and honest about shortcomings). And she showed me how to love my father (never said a bad thing to me about him in my life) and my half sister was born in the same hospital as me 5 days after me and she took me to see that sister throughout my life. Never got

You cant control who you love. You can only control how you handle it. I realize even with friendships where I thought I loved people like family it was more infatuation. I loved my mom for real. I used to tell her that when she died I would jump in the coffin. I really believed I would off myself to be with her. But

I think people think they have control over love. You have control of how you handle that love.

You and I are in agreement. And I don’t have time to get serious with anyone right now because I like my kids and they will be gone (or want to be soon). I have a 12 year-old who already thinks he is a teenager and a 6 year-old. As soon as they get more independent I might dip out. But I will take all the movie nights

So true. But when I date I am scared about the person liking my kids too much or not liking my kids enough. I plan to be a fabulous 5o year-old single getting my cougar on when my kids leave.

As a single parent I definitely understand her position. People scare me.

Naw I aint paying for nobody’s lawyers in that situation unless I truly believed him (and that would be a hard climb). But I loved my father even though he abandoned me basically at birth. I have no respect for the man. But I would give him food off my table.

Kudos to you and your family for continued support and I hope he sincerely realizes his blessing in his family.

Exactly because how can you as a parent ever make that right short of killing or physically harming the perpetrator and how can the child trust you (your perception) to make the right decision next time

Love and things like respect and support are different things. My love would never disappear but my unconditional cosigning of his behavior would cease. I am the type who will tell my children in front of innocent adults that they will be believed no matter what ( I even tell my children this about each other) and

In the context of "Do the Right Thing" or " School Daze" how do you feel?

I can’t believe I stayed with this the whole through and it was so good.

The whole thing really annoyed the crap out of me. I like talky plays in person...the music tends to aggravate me because it is so loud. Plus I did not know the songs prior to going so... But I am listening to Hamilton all day everyday.

That is funny. I hate musicals and I actually am able to stick with this one. I went to see Wicked on Broadway and left at intermission. I am trying again with Hamilton.

Is he serious?

Booo. But I get it. I feel the same about Wicked.

This kid is killing it though.

Yeah I think that is why Toto is not on stage. They couldn’t afford that Lassie money.