I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean or what you even think your point is. I think Israel should stop slaughtering Palestinians.
I’m not sure what this is supposed to mean or what you even think your point is. I think Israel should stop slaughtering Palestinians.
I have no idea what this is even supposed to mean. Netanyahu may or may not be interested in listening to Biden (although I think you’re underestimating the amount of potential leverage the US has). That doesn’t mean it’s okay for Biden to green light ongoing slaughter.
Biden’s not going to move left on goddamn anything. He’s a republican in all but name.
Everyone here keeps going on about how they’re “a mess”, and you hope they “don’t spiral”, but all your mean comments and superior tones suggest otherwise. You can trash them for “not having it together” or “craving attention”, but you clicked this article, read the whole thing, probably clicked a few links and read…
I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “strange accounting.” (???). 227 Palestinians have been killed so far. 12 Israelis have been killed so far. If you actually think Palestinian lives and Israeli lives are of equal value, I’m struggling to understand how you would be okay with Israel continuing to conduct…
I know that they/them may be difficult to follow sometimes but abandoning correct pronoun use in favor of convenience and comfort for cis people marginalizes non-binary/trans people. My identity and how I have asked people to honor that with my pronouns isn’t an option to disregard for reading comprehension. (I’m a 42…
Given the amount of funding the US send to Israel, I think there’s a clear conflict of interest. The US isn’t a disinterested/impartial party here.
While I understand that, I would like to point out that many shitty people contort themselves into knots to use names instead of pronouns as a way of avoiding correctly gendering trans people. So, like, just as a heads up: that will send some deeply mixed signals if you use it on a trans person.
Ahhh, there’s the transphobia. Never takes much, does it?
The problem is that when you, kind and gentle commenter, refuse to use their proper pronouns, that doesn’t just indicate your disrespect of them alone. It also signals that you view transgender identities as something that can be taken away, that respecting someone’s identity is something you will only do if they meet…
Not sure giving Israel the green light to continue slaughtering Palestinians by the dozens is what I’d call “tact.”
He was always the mediocre choice, and he’s showing it now.
My impression is the problem runs far deeper than him.
Man they trashed that dude, he took it where it was supposed to go.
ehhh idk. Everyone has a limit. Kwame Brown should have long been forgotten with the Lonzo Balls of the world, but assholes like Gilbert Arenas and bitchass Matt Barnes keep taking the low hanging fruit.
At some point you just have to understand that the remaining Republicans are sociopaths. They commit voter fraud while claiming the other side is doing it. They’re comfortable in their hypocrisy, because they know they’re lying.
You don’t need a fancy camera, if they wanted to they can manage. The issue is they didn’t want to; the question (that we already know the answer to) is why.
Excellent. Now take the money and leave and move to where nobody knows who you are, because the cops and the city will never forget and all those new friend they are about to have aren’t so friendly.
Time for Laverne’s agent to start putting a clause about VA approval in all her contracts. Cause this is just fucking wrong, all of Europe is trash right now regarding transrights. Hell, some places -like TERFisland, England- are worse than motherfucking Mississippi.