
Maybe their target audience is kids? Just because you aren't satisfied doesn't mean others aren't. Darksiders was made with people like you in mind.

The series is far to established, like Mario it is part of gaming DNA I'd rather get a new IP or a spinoff then have them butcher the Zelda name.

because windwaker and skyward sword didn't alter the art style greatly?

Thanks for this Mr.Totilo editorials like this are on of few reasons I keep coming back to Kotaku!

Yes because we know all the North wanted was to free the slaves....

To many people it just resembles the south, I'm not african american but as a person of color with friends from in the south I have no problem with this. I think the fact that people get wound up over the image so quickly is more of an issue, although I wouldn't go around waving a confederate flag myself.

WTF I didnt know she had a sister!

Largely subject while most of the time the sales leader has the most shovelware there are always plenty of gems the DS and PS2 have some of the greatest libraries known to man the Wii just tanked on that one

Games like this, Kingdom Hearts, and Final Fantasy Tactics, make me love gaming so much more! I wish there were more games with such unique stories.

I got Black Ops and MW3 for $39.99 and $49.99 within a few months of release from different retailers. Newegg and Walmart I think

Yes because launch games are how we measure a systems horsepower especially ones from Ubisoft

Yea i'm getting that same red steel vibe too...

Vocabulary that isn't my own? Bollocks! What's next ebonics?

Also ranked the best city to live in by bloomberg! http://images.businessweek.com/slideshows/20110920/america-s-50-best-cities#slide51

This I think moderation is key although I may not agree with the viewpoints and biases of certain networks I think having exposure to different viewpoints is great. I hate it when all one does is spout off what they heard from their favorite news anchor/network...

Somewhere out there is a very lucky son!

I don't think I've ever had game become unplayable that I didn't let someone borrow...


Man that was great I need to get a computer than can run ARMA

That was pretty good Mr.Penis