
Sony could do it but it probably wouldn't do well sony has a horrible time selling accessories look at the eye toys or even ps move. It needs to be bundled the vita costs way too much.

I doubt smart glass would be able to do much more but true you don't have to buy it if you already have one.

Apparently you haven't seen Microsoft's e3 presser for the past few years...

Not sure where you've been for the past few decades but Nintendo has been making the best first party hardware and accessories in terms of reliability for quite some time now

I could've swore then when they first launched the DS line they said something along the lines of the DS was not the successor to the GameBoy line.


Now playing

Poor Peter File always being shamed at Channel 4

Lol Nintendo's friend codes all for naught! The media doesn't acknowledge how hard it is to play online with that shit Nintendo should drop it.

Have you tried the razr onza? I want to get a usb 360 controller but I've read mixed reviews about the onza. I guess I could get Microsoft's but after seeing promising previews of Power A's USB 360 controller im inclined to wait again... I really would rather have a controller that could be Bluetooth or USB, can this

My phones rooted so this doesn't bother me too much.

It's more enjoyable when the both of you play though isn't it?

Lol "getting it for her", I love those gifts

Prices? I played smash bros with 3 ps3 controllers on a friends phone outputting through hdmi and was blown away by the experience besides the controller it felt just as good if not better than the original. I really need to find a good bluetooth or usb controller.

Because Nintendo is always on the bleeding edge of tech!

Damn that blows chunks no optical...

Yea I add egg often and use less water. I've had a fever the last few days though so I'll probably just eat it plain with lots of water.

I for one think the fried chicken wrap looks fairly appetizing. However lazy American that I am I dont feel like getting up to drive 5 miles to the nearest McDonalds. I guess it's gonna be another Ramen night!

Most mac book owners I know could probably use a windows laptop just as well and in some cases a desktop but people enjoy paying for images. Apple does have very high quality and excellent customer service. I doubt many people have the tools or techincal know how to build a laptop themselves. I tried to use an old

Lol obviously you can buy pc components for cheaper prefab is always more expensive, much more so with laptops. Although that high res a screen probably doesn't come cheap.

I often felt that way during finals especially during calculus which I knew I wasn't gonna pass. I hoped someone would come through the door arms flailing with a gun. So I could die with some dignity and hopefully get pushed through. Unfortunately things never ran my way...