
I'm looking for the same price points too. Nintendo better not screw the pooch and price this like the 3DS at launch

How does this compare to the Razr Onza? I've been wanting to get a wired Xbox controller for my PC/XBOX and I was looking at the Onza but i've read mixed reviews.

The best toilets I used were at an airport in Singapore after traveling so much you get accustomed to seeing throw up, pee, toilet paper, and other things all over the bathroom. In Singapore the bathroom looked almost clean enough to eat off the floor, maybe they had just cleaned it before I went in I don't know but

I think cracked had an article about it!

+1 I used to go up there every summer because my moms very large family all lives there about 9 brothers and sisters. I worked there last summer and hated driving there and the usually downcast weather.

Now playing

I have no idea how it works but it does often. They also do have a very high number of car accidents though I think it may have been the highest in the world at one point if it still isn't. I've been to a few cities that passed helmet laws, and put up stoplights in cities but half the people still dont use the lights.

Now playing

Yea I was hoping for something more like this

Motorcycles and mopeds are basic forms of transportation in most third world countries. Visiting countries like India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan etc. Its not uncommon to see a child in front the father another child behind and the mother sitting sideways holding a baby on a 100cc motorbike.

Michael and Crecente are at Polygon it would be my goto if their comments weren't so shitty.

Ehh evidently my hashtag was too long I was simply making fun of at least 10-15 posts before mine stating the exact same thing.

Lol a quick Google search of "GoW" pulls up Gears of War as the first result and then something about dyslexia.

Obviously its a prequel explaining Marcus's predicament at the start of GoW.

Haha I meant to say its good to see some aspects are real. You know most crime shows are based on some truth I tend to dislike CSI and NCIS because they do alot of crazy things with technology. However I find most of the older Law and Order's CI, and SVU to be more accurate to an extent. Regardless of this it makes

It does but they're mostly in the back a "battle axe" I use quotations because the one she's holding is pretty small typically requires more muscle in the arm and forearm.

As the article suggests I dont think most people using the word rape would rape anyone as people using the word own/pwn have ever owned a slave.

lol why haven't i seen this before

Yea I thought the same thing, I haven't worked in the legal system but I've seen a lot of Law and Order SVU and seen that there a few times.

Care to offer some examples? I usually dont trash talk and when I do it's with friends and is usually intended to be offensive, homophobic and racist. Why? Because it's hilarious most comedians I enjoy share some or all of these traits Dave Chappelle, Aziz Ansari etc.

I was thinking the same thing the armor is pretty nice but it just doesn't look so right on such a petite frame maybe a bow or something..