
We used to have cable internet and just switched to Fiber. The cable came into a landing downstairs (we live on a hill, so not a traditional 2 story) and we had a mesh system that spread it out from there. The Fiber comes into an upstairs room, nowhere near the downstairs landing. We decided we wanted to keep the same

This is way off topic from the original article, but I can provide a bit of info on our nugget ice machine.

I should have waited to file. We always file in Feb (I don’t like waiting to get it done) and at the time the proposed rules for the next stimulus were such that I didn’t expect any major impact to us (the stimulus taper off was originally the same as previous). I was very wrong and it cost us in the realm of $7k.

I really enjoy Ann Reardon and her How to Cook That channel on YouTube. Along with her fantastic cooking videos, she does a number of debunking videos that go into details on why many of the recipes on content farms (5-minute hacks, blossom, etc.) are bad and sometimes dangerous. She will even discuss how to make

I’m unreasonably angry that you said this was a snack. I don’t even know why, but I am.

I understand the fridge will keep things safe from nuclear bombs, so this sounds like a good idea.

My sister-in-law was exposed last November to other family who tested positive and then started showing the same symptoms a few days later (They were in close quarters for a significant amount of time, not just a passing exposure, so it was assumed she had it). She was tested twice and it came back negative both times,

What needs to happen now to change the EUA into a formal approval for any of the existing Vaccines?

Hospitals also tend to have social workers who can set you up with services that can help based on a number of different qualifications (connecting with specific foundations that help families/individuals with specific diseases or disorders for instance or just putting you in touch with various government agencies

In CA at least, most of the laws trump your lease agreement. Doesn’t matter what the lease says, if the law says otherwise. 

Check your tenant laws in your state! CA doesn’t allow landlords to charge for cleaning unless it was required to bring the unit back to original lease condition, including carpet cleaning. If it was clean when you got there and it was clean when you left, they can’t take money from your deposit. It also falls on the

We live in a bay area city in California and our district has strictly on demand (no signups) lunch pickup available for all kids ages 0-18. We’ve only gotten meals for the older two kids as a meal for our 2 month old would just go to waste.

We have slow close seats because of kids (partially because they like to make noise and partially because the ones with built in kid seats were all slow close), but we found they like to force them closed and they don’t last that long (we’ve gone through 3 in the last 3 years). Could probably buy a more expensive one

We have slow close seats because of kids (partially because they like to make noise and partially because the ones

I’m pretty sure science teachers and the existence of microwaves keeps them in business.

I think when people see the news and read comments made by others online, they think they could make so much money doing this. Based on the profile WSJ did on Keith Gill he’s made in the 10s of millions on his GameStop investment, but from what I can tell, it also means he invested hundreds of thousands of money in

What I’d like to know is how much Visa made off of handling the transactions on these cards....

This kind of fits in with people adopting or buying pets this year solely as a result of the pandemic. Getting 10+ years of responsibility because of 1 sucky year seems like something you should think much more seriously about than I think many have been.

We’ve always been a bit nonchalant about Santa. Growing up I don’t ever remember it being a thing. With our kids, I think they understand he’s not actually real, but we don’t make it a point to discuss either way. We usually wrap a single present and label it “From Santa,” but again, our kids don’t really care or pay

That does look good.

And for those really rough days (all of 2020?), Trader Joe’s Eggnog liqueur.