
This week there were times that PurpleAir was the only site giving us visually accurate data. It was extremely hazy and hard to breathe out side because of the smoke and the AirNow and Breezy were both showing good to moderate air quality. PurpleAir had us in the 300 range, which at least visually, was more accurate.

What a coincidence. I am writing a book: “How to be humble like me”

I don’t understand. Isn’t the app tied to your account, not your hardware? Are these people selling phones with dummy iTunes accounts or something?

Some people will be totally grossed out by this, but I like a little mayo in the hole and some sea salt or similar over the entire thing. Delicious.

It’s been a while since I’ve needed to consider Cobra, but when I had the option, if I had opted in during the second month, I would have had to pay for both the first and second months. Based on that, I would assume if you opt in on day 100 during this new grace period, you’d end up paying 4 months of premiums at

I blame a lot of this on the way stuff is reported. News sites aim for readers so a lot of headlines are, to an extent, click bait. Rarely do we see “Scientists learn more and now recommend wearing masks.” Instead we see “Scientists were wrong” or “The government lied to us.” (Hyperbole, sometimes). Add that to the

These are some of the issues I have with the general “wear a mask” guidance. Guidance has been vague and all over the place and location specific. The WHO doesn’t always agree with the CDC, which doesn’t always agree with local/state agencies on policy or science behind policy. Stuff like valves are not mentioned and

Given that this article was more generalized when it comes to numbers, it made me think, while the current driving factor for reforms within police departments is the disparity in treatment towards blacks, the types of broad reforms that are being pushed for (I’m thinking of the “8 Can’t Wait” campaign) actually

Something to keep in mind, for better or for worse, companies are going to consistently give to politicians when it is good for them. Sometimes this is to humanitarian type causes (typically for the publicity, especially where doing so has low negative impact to the business), but more often than not, they’re looking

I started putting the butter on the skillet and letting it brown slightly before placing the bread down. It’s more annoying to make this way (butter doesn’t like to stay in one place in a griddle), but I like the results better.

You’d better be careful there. You’re getting into homeopathy territory there and if you dilute anymore, no telling what could happen.

Something to keep in mind is that while our utility bills may be higher from being at home, our fuel bills are likely lower because we’re driving our cars less. I’ve saved over $200 on fuel costs since this whole thing started, which is quite a bit more than my increase in electricity usage. Not that I won’t save

Chicken of the Sea sounds pretty fancy

This a general question about epidemics spread and testing. There was an article I saw a couple of days ago talking about the fact that the CDC removed total number of people tested from their site and people were stating that it was a cover up. Why do we care about total number tested? I never saw an explanation of

So much this. I just got a car with adaptive cruise control and I pretty much just sit in the same lane for my entire commute and stop worrying about it.

For anyone interested in the rule. This is specifically for the Outlook Application, not outlook.com. Scroll down to “Delay the delivery of all messages”

My wife had a hospital rental and if I remember correctly, while it was not quite, the rental was quieter than the smaller personal pump we had. I could just be mis-remembering, but I kind of assumed the larger size motor wouldn’t have to run as fast and the larger size housing helped dampen size. I definitely would

On the breast pump side. My wife used a rental (Ameda branded) from the hospital for our first son (he was a NICU baby and had a g-tube, so couldn’t be fed directly). That thing was a literal Godsend. We had a smaller more portable one, but the rental was way more powerful and it took way less time to pump with it.

In the SF Bay area (east bay specifically) there are a few places that do annual Mothers of Multiples sales that have a ton of used baby gear. The gear is usually high quality and very reasonable price wise, but quality and price will likely vary based on location. I’m sure there are other groups, this is just the one

We use Outlook exclusively at work and I learned about a rule that allows you to delay outgoing e-mails by x number of minutes. I have it configured to delay all outgoing messages by 2 minutes that are marked as normal priority. It has saved me a number of times from typos I see as I’m pressing send, missing