Tiago Mota

Now you’ve got us thinking ...

I would make a case for switching out #2 for #1. After all, if the parents don’t take care of their needs (income, housing, food, emotional stability, etc), then good luck being able to help fulfill any of the kids’ needs.

My advice: the grass is rarely greener. While Apple devices are my primary ones, I use Android/Windows (Surface) daily, and they all have their problems.

It’s been a while since this was released so you might have figure this out already. You can still use this method to share a guest network password. Join the guest network on your iPhone, then tap the little “i” next to the network and turn off auto-join. Then guests can still request the guest network even though

So your “hack” is in fact just lying?

The best hack is not even a really a hack. Only patronize theatres that offer reserved seating.

Not everything needs or has a damn hack. PAY for a ticket, sit in a seat, watch your ONE movie and go home. Use a rewards card if you want to get a free popcorn now and then.

Oh the fear of changes...

Whenever you sneeze I will reply with “Really, it’s come to this?”

You missed “Being honest?”

Or move somewhere that has full cell coverage in the subway, like Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, or Boston (wait, Boston? yes, Boston! ha!).

Vote: Brother HL2280DW

You can also put Newstand in a folder.