thyrsiflora (pls ungrey me)

Eh, forgiveness is one of the few healthy things religion preaches. I still won’t listen though!

They took that pastor’s wife and baby...

That’s thing, I don’t think he is supposed to be transgender. That’s why All said, “All is All.” As in, I have no gender. Which makes All even more alien.

Oh, step on a rusty nail, haters. This is clearly a parody of the absurdity of the fashion world these days and not transphobic at all. I don’t even think he is supposed to be transgender in the first place. I think he’s supposed to be alien-like. Which is also a joke on how people have compared Cumberbatch’s

can’t imagine someone would say “so you licked her pussy and you are not even going to kiss her?

Oh my gosh that’s terrible but I’m so happy that you went to therapy with your mom, and that you have a supportive partner, and that you know you have to take care of yourself. Seriously, those are all huge successes. I wish you the best and continued success.

AFAIK nonrefundable means that you can’t exchange your tickets for their original cash price. It doesn’t mean that the company can take your money and do whatever they want – they still have an obligation to honor the tickets for the services advertised. I’m not a lawyer, nor have I read the fine print here, but if I

You are confused, but it’s not your fault. That portion of this article was particularly poorly written. It’s so devoid of context that it’s incoherent.

I picked that up on my radar too— all that made-up jargon, the insistence on a closed loop of secrecy, the characterization of “questioning” as a threat to her authority. Not to mention the general Rich LA Wackadoodle vibe she’s giving off in spades.

So, I’m stuck in the grays and no one will ever see this, but: I have some real problems with this article. The tone is oddly sensationalizing and it focuses on a lot of random and unimportant deatils in a way that seems pearl-clutching and even, at times, strangely un-feminist for Jezebel.

I went to school with her! She was most definitely NOT paid to be there, she did however *ignore* the speech and continue to read Citizen very blatantly- on purpose.

I always took “say whats in this drink” to mean in that coy way “phew, this is a strong ass drink”.

I’m with everything Eldritch has to say about the song. The context is important, it’s about a woman wanting to spend the night but being scared because DUH SLUTTY MCSLUTTERSON. I’ve used the “I’m too drunk to go home,

I can see how the line would be creepy to 2015 ears but to 40’s/50’s ears it’s a joke line. Because there was a running joke that was popular in movies during that time where someone would say something scandalous/raunchy while holding a drink and then look at their drink and go, “Hey, what’s in this drink?” as in, “I

It’s a seventy year old Christmas song. This isn’t the hill I’m going to die on. I don’t have a case to make, I was just trying to give you some context but whatever.

OMG, I’m so sorry, I am laughing with tears in my eyes. You poor thing, what an absurd thread this has become.

I’m sorry. I’m having an exceptonally bad... month. They’re eliminating my position where I work. So I’m just all kinds of... *flails around*. I didn’t mean to get short with you.

Yeah, the weird thing about that song is that if you take into account the culture it was created in, it’s actually progressive and supportive of a woman’s right to sexuality.

The war against christmas is waaaaaaaaay more damaging than date rape! duh.

Add a contact named “Fuck fuck” and Fucking fucking” - bam! It knows the word.

Breathe, yo.