
Exactly. Bannon has spent so long in the Breitbart alt-reich bubble that he thinks the whole country AND the military agree with his level of transphobia. Trump has spent his entire life inside a bubble, and has no clue what people actually think, so he listens to Bannon’s take. And so here we are.

Anecdote: my most out-there-in-right-field-Fox-deluded uncle is pro trans* inclusion, and pro- anyone who meets military standards serving in whatever capacities they’re qualified for and can perform in. My less out-there relatives don’t really care, but would be opposed to suddenly discharging competent people for

Bannon’s issue is that, after pulling out a win in 2016, he has a reputation now as a master manipulator and political genius. I think he’s probably a smart guy, but his reputation is likely overblown. Trump won because of a confluence of factors, and I don’t think Bannon has the electorate as pegged as he thinks he

Per the late and unlamented Steve Bannon, the real goal of this transgender ban is strictly political; he wants to use this as a wedge issue to force Democrats to take on the (in his view) politically toxic defense of transgender soldiers’ right to serve.

Okay, I actually am in a polyamorous relationship, and have been since about 2001, and I can tell MVP that there’s actually a term for the bullshit her boyfriend is pulling. It’s called “Relationship Broken? Add More People!”, and it refers specifically to the kind of person who thinks that polyamory is a solution to

“What’s most obnoxious about this clip is how Fey is encouraging people to actively ignore neo-Nazis, by characterizing the protests as “violent” and urging those who might otherwise be encouraged to physically show up to stay at home.”

So this is not a defense, just an explanation of what the lawyer thinking is, not my support.

I don’t really disagree with you, and I’ve always known that the ACLU is more about defending the law than any particular stance (I had a personal run-in with them when they defended the rights of Neo-Nazis who published my home phone number and address in their newsletters in 2006), so what you’re saying is important.

1. The ACLU is not a political organization. It’s not liberal, or democrat, or republican, or green. This is extremely important and it’s maybe the biggest misconception about the ACLU

Hey, do you think maybe Jez could do an article on what the ACLU is and how it works? This weekend I’ve seen a lot of people on the internet in general who don’t seem to know. Not just people who dislike the ACLU, which is absolutely fine and their own business, but people who seem to have misunderstood what it does.

So GoDaddy was totally cool with DailyStormer up until now?

Her interview with Gene Simmons was also legendarily awful (though he never walked out).

The PBS Frontline special about CTE was really good and interesting.

I’m a real estate agent here and SAME. I add a rider to every lease where I mostly just reiterate a few key portions of the lease in very simple language with the hope that the people who skip over the legalese will read ten sentences in the rider.

Yeah, I read the Washington Post story, and it could be a lot shorter if it just said “a lot of people didn’t read the original contractand decided to go to war over $125, but upon reading everyone went ‘uh-oh, our bad, nvm’”.

Fuck these people.

Girrrllll I basically became a US citizen because of her and Barack. When I first came to this country I thought yeah this country has a lot of career opportunities but I can do a lot of good back home...then Obama won and I was enamored with the US and like an idiot believed that the US is the future and I want to be

Who can blame you when there were so many amazing delights to choose from? Gods I miss her.

She is so much the absolute best of what America has to offer: smart, hard-working, honest, funny, strong, and kind. Not to mention beautiful with a killer fashion sense. The First Lady is not an elected position and it’s a little unfair to compare them because of that, but she is light-years ahead of anything our

She’s this country’s real life version of Wonder Woman.