My heart sank a bit there with that last sentence. My 93 I ran like a jalopy in high school it did things that a 2wd should not have been able to do in the desert of west TX . Pulled a ton an half trailer with it many times.
My heart sank a bit there with that last sentence. My 93 I ran like a jalopy in high school it did things that a 2wd should not have been able to do in the desert of west TX . Pulled a ton an half trailer with it many times.
\shaking the entire screen with both hands above my head to the ceiling
Proud owner of a '93 4.0v6 ranger and a 2011 4.0v6 ranger . both less than 60k mikes each.
So glad this is a TEXAS thing
I think this question is written backwards. Almost all sadans look better than hatch.So why not
downvote ???!!!
That old connector
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I misread your post
except ... no one got hurt
Well I suppose to each their own. No sense in arguing on the internet like others. We're all friends here. Peace.
I only complain about the rate of switch not the amount of cameras
You can say with all those shifts you saw completely one part in full of their movements as a whole and thought "wow thats cool "??
Save for Your Retirement
Am glad I am not the only one that dislikes SO MANY camera shifts and changes all for one video.
Am glad I am not the only one that dislikes SO MANY camera shifts and changes all for one video.