1 is beyond dumb.
1 is beyond dumb.
What thw fuck are talking about. Your a dumbass.
Bull shit
No, for a party that bitches about money this is a huge waste of money.
You are a piece of shit
Hugo boss will dress her.
What does your race have to do with anything? You being mixed doesnt change who wrong u are.
How, she’s objecting to the school being secretive and the situation.
She’s asking for fairness i dont see whats wrong with that.
The recovery went to the rich
Trump isnt bringing jobs back and he’ll cut taxes deeply for the rich.
Yeah, no that isnt happening.
Thats what your going to focus on. Really?
We can always count on u to defend the white race. Shouldnt u be somewhere talking about how bad black people are.
Bullshit. Hillary spent more time trying to court republicans that hated trump.