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Just get Mars Volta back together!

The Walking Dead but I stopped watching before the character died.

Penguin, probably.

Just please, please don't let Zack Snyder direct it instead.

I thought she died…..

Do people really care about this?

It could probably be both?

I've never liked Rapaport as an actor, if he has any appeal I don't get it.



Thanks for the in depth explanation.

I don't have a problem with the meaning I just don't get why we keep making up words or using words that already exist the wrong way and everybody jumps on the trend.

Somehow, there really is.

That garbage can looks too friendly and intelligent to be him.

Golden Compass 1995 or 96
HP 1997 or 98.

I talked to Kerry Greenwood on facebook message once, not sure if that counts.

I am reading The Golden Compass by Phillip Pullman. I had no idea it was originally published just a couple years before Harry Potter. I don't remember really hearing about these books at all when they were new.

Reading this gave me so much pleasure I can't even tell you. I have hated him with a passion since the apprentice Tv show started and couldn't even bare to look at him in commercials. What a ridiculous person.

Sounds okay, I'll probably watch it for the 1 season it lasts.

I wouldn't eat the yellow gunk, so in hindsight I wonder why my parents kept buying them.