Thursday Next

I’ve been sleeping over with someone regularly for the first time, and I think I’m near the point of having that awkward conversation. I like to cuddle, but when we’re actually going to sleep LEAVE ME ALONE. Argh.

The show Dead Like Me gave me serious anxiety about this.

Hahah, yes that is a better plan.

YES, exactly this!

I haaaated P&P&Zombies, though I’ll probably still watch the movie because I’m thinking it might(?) work better that way.

I don’t think it’s something I would consider, but it was an interesting read. I’d be interested in a follow-up about the fillers she mentioned at the end.

and if that doesn’t work, there’s always:

I understand that this isn’t how the media works, but I would really love to stop giving this man a platform. I wish we could just ignore him to death.

Gonna say nope to that. Trump does not deserve to share any kind of platform with Trudeau.

You expressed my thoughts exactly.

To be honest, I’ve noticed this stigma going away over the past few years (probably because so many of us are in the same situation now). I still tend to admit it with some shame, but most people I meet just express envy that I’m able to stay at home and pay off my loans/save up for my future. I’m also dealing with

Same here, but 27. Got a decent job near my mom’s house, and she’s fine having me stay at home so I can keep saving. Two years in, my job is killing my soul, so it’s comforting to know that I have the option of quitting and rethinking my career goals.

Exhibit A: Ewan McGregor’s wig

Lists all the way! It may not be a surprise, but I’m terrible at faking enthusiasm for a book I already own or some ugly sweater that doesn’t fit.

Lists all the way! It may not be a surprise, but I’m terrible at faking enthusiasm for a book I already own or some

I literally just bought the Aztec mask moments before this article was posted. But now I really want the one that shows me all the disgusting things it’s sucking out my face! Too much $$ tho.

I literally just bought the Aztec mask moments before this article was posted. But now I really want the one that

And people who think that “myself” is just a fancier version of “me.” I stop listening immediately.

PHWOAR. Abby, please continue showing up on red carpets so I can continue ogling you.


Oh god no, Vinny was the woooorst. He was such a “nice guy.”

This lovely man came in every day, I burned his bread, and he left a $5.00 tip on a $4.00 meal. One time, he heard me (quietly, I swear) talking to another waitress about how I couldn’t afford to have my other cat spayed yet, and when he left, I found $100.00 under the cup for my cat.