
Yeah, this. I have an engineering degree, work a job in my area of study and it would not have been possible without my degree. Similar to other engineering disciplines and areas of science in general. Change that headline. Liberal arts degrees are bullshit.

Complete puss move imo. Either have the stones (or stupidity depending on your perspective) to put 2016 or don’t do it at all.

I think the only real hurdle with this topic is awareness, so great to see an article doing exactly that. I recently adopted a cat and honestly had no clue that declawing a cat involved effectively removing a joint from their ‘toes’ and had to sign a form saying I would promise not to do so.

Roenick’s dumb face? Let’s talk about the pubic hair that seems to have invaded Sidney Crosby’s face. Guess its been a while since he’s been in the playoffs long enough to grow a ‘beard’ but damn that shit looks gross.

These high school kids should probably use their smartphones to call up the school/program and inform of their decision to decommit instead of taking to twitter, fucking ridiculous really.

I am a converted sitting ass wiper from standing ass wiper, it was a good change. Happened when I was around 23 having recently joined the 9-5 work force and thought it was kind of weird to stand in the stall and wipe my ass, sometimes with neighbors dropping deuces on either side in the stalls next door. Also, for