
A completely justified one to be perfectly honest. Americas, and by extension, the worlds hard on for actors and entertainers is goddamn moronic while the people that basically design the world around you, be it electronics, autos, planes, rockets and goddamn spaceships are unknown and no one gives a shit about em.

An actor. Someone who entertains....big deal. He likes bikes, ok. Write an article about someone who, you know, actually does something. Why are people are so enamored with a person who pretends? They’re just people like anyone else.

That’s a real work of art.

I’ll preface this by saying I don’t buy into the “suicide is selfish” narrative, but eff this dude man. Two young kids and a wife? Sorry, but it takes a complete asshole to off themselves with two young kids still.

This is crap. All we are doing is increasing the amount of DUIs. people between 0.05 and 0.1 arent the issue. It’s the idiots who are 0.25. There needs to be much harsher penalties for the people who are clearly well over the limit, like .2 = never drive again.


So much this. And corporate welfare too!

Thanks for that hot take circa 1981

Science is not crystal clear. The ‘science’ is controlled by those who rely on funding because they’re actually not doing, nor producing anything. No product creation, and the service they allegedly provide is merely fear mongering for more funding.

Meh, waiting for my 2017 Raptor...

For a moment I thought those vents were old kitchen cabinets with the kitchen sink below it.

I would say yes, yes it is.

Remember to use Waze wherever you go. Revenue generation...the struggle is real.

because most of the Gawker staff are located in either NYC or SoCal, and why would anyone want to live anywhere else?

The correct answer.

Can I just say right here how much I deeply wish Jalop and the sub-sites were NOT on Gawker Media/Kinja? Kinja because it’s a clunky, badly-made POS and Gawker Media because it’s a loathsome hypocritical shithole with a commentariat that’s a bunch of self-righteous prigs who love to ostentatiously wave their moral

Woman in Arab country should keep mouth shut unless she wants her head lopped off. Thats the way it is over there...why go over there at all? Especially if you’re female...

Factually speaking the Boss 302 was faster than the E92 M3 and its way cheaper to make the boss even faster...not to muenruon the huge difference in list price.

Good for you! It's really great.

I expected more out of you, Torch