Thunder Fighter Ace

Because the PC doesn’t natively play PS4 games. The PS4 does.

Seems like as good a place as any to ask, but does anyone know of a gaming news site that keeps opinion to a minimum outside of reviews? That just reports factually and that’s it? I’ve been reading Kotaku for years but I don’t particularly enjoy seeing strong opinions on things this small. I just personally prefer to

No, Red Faction Armageddon was the most recent one and it was terrible and caused them to lose a ton of money and effectively ended the series at THQ. Guerrilla was the better title and I believe the best selling of the series. I liked the story of RF2, but I felt like part 1 never really delivered on its promises and

Yeah, I'm kind of bummed how this generation hasn't seen any sort of progress/continuation of the Mercenaries 2/Guerrilla model. Just Cause is great but doesn't come close to the environmental destruction (maybe JC4?).

Red Faction Guerilla was an incredible open world game. Fully destructible buildings? That never gets old.

Don’t really play this anymore, but a starfighter assault map with that monster in the lightning storm from the trailer would be cool.

Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze is great and deserves more love, so I’m glad it’s getting a second chance, but I won’t be content until we get Super Mario Maker Switch.

Sorry, but, also, bug off. My husband is a gamer and we’re happy. Mainly because I don’t try to own his life. In return, he actively seeks my happiness too. I dont force him to do anything. He doesn’t see our marriage as a game. We’ve been together almost a decade. If playing games with friends hours a night makes him

“I’d love to avoid talking completely and just make things people can play.”

I loved Legacy. You weren’t ever going to get what you wanted out of a Disney Tron though, pretty sure.

A show of hands for people who would love a regular F-35 flyby and would put up with the noise for the occasional impromptu airshow?

“Build your own damn peripherals.” - Nintendo

The worst part about EA’s handling of Star Wars is that I can’t feel any enthusiasm from them. Every other form of media that Star Wars has invaded since the Disney acquisition have been firing on all cylinders. Books, comics, TV shows, and the movies, of course - and everyone involved in those projects just seem so

That’s a false rumor - plenty of Mark Hamill interviews out there where he makes clear he knew what his ending was

I’ve bought Okami on every platform it’s been released on.

That green brick Mega Man art from Legacy Collection 2. I guess it was teasing this.

Garbage scow.

Painted bright orange, and the CIC will just be a barcalounger in front of a 50" flat screen TV tuned permanently into Fox “News.” The Crew Mess will be a Mall-style food court featuring KFC, Taco Bell, and Subway, (it is the Navy after all) and the Medical Bay will require a $30 co-pay.

Half way underwater, claiming that there are no leaks and simultaneously blaming the USS Clinton for shooting holes in his hull causing the nonexisting leaks.
