Free Market Party Company

Not with that defeatist attitude.

NP. And people who are saying the repair costs will melt your credit card are overly dramatic a tad.

NP, cheap AMG badges and tackiness notwithstanding. The AMG versions of these are tough to own, but the M113 V8 in these cars was actually pretty stout and reliable. I would be most concerned about the air suspension these came standard with, assuming this car still has it (possible +1 for reliability if it’s been

1st Gear: “but as it turns out, the data just doesn’t support that line of thinking... yet”

Everything except the chassis, which used expensive “hydroformed” rails like the Corvette. I often said that if GM had given these cars a second generation they probably would have done better with the interiors and other bits; but the business case to make them at all relied on as much parts sharing as possible. 

Don’t know until you have the Intern or the new Guy/Gal on staff ask.

Something tells me Tesla’s never going to give Jalopnik a Cybertruck to drive. Although, a private owner might still be crazy enough to let us try.

Test this when you get a Press Demo. Borrow the Thompson

Man, I was really off my game this morning.

Dammit, Collin.

Just to confirm, it’s $80 for the bumper protectors? :D

The late ones (86?-88?) with the V-6 and facelift were actually decent.

The later ones had a digital dash that was pretty sweet, and yes the facelift helped vastly!

The GM Department of Badge Engineering *just* got out of their 35 year probation period from the Cimarron debacle. This is their first project. They had really hoped to work on the Cadillac version of the Bolt, but unfortunately GM cancelled it while they were still in probation.

Good work detective, why don't you start your own fuckin blog? 

As an EV road tripper, parks sound nice in theory but in practice when I’m stopping for 15-20 minutes every 2-3 hours what I really want is somewhere to pee and buy something to eat or drink within 1-2 minutes walking distance (and not having to run across a major road). If there’s a bench to sit on away from the

In general, I think more chargers is better for everyone, regardless of where they are located and what consumer behavior it might try to encourage.

Considering rest stop restaurants exist, it is clear that people aren’t that bothered with the concept considering those places have been around since before EV’s spread.

Never sat in a restaurant or movie theater for more than 45 minutes? Or sat in a coffee shop and talked with friends?

Not if you’re sucking down a mochafragilisticexpialicchino and biscotti while taking a meeting and grinding out emails, it isn’t.