Free Market Party Company

Yeah but the weekend article didn’t include sentences that made no sense.

Alcohol and who knows what else, these days.

“If the punishment for a crime is a fine, than that law only exists for the poor”

What happens on the weekends doesn’t count, apparently. 

No chance?  He works for the city.  There’s probably a picture of the councilmember in their building, and I’m guessing they get updates on council decisions on the regular.  With photos.  I’d say there’s a better than even chance that once the councilmember triggered his memory by asking him if he knew who he was, he

Wow, the rare instance of “Do you know who I am?” being used to a positive effect!

It’s not brilliant at all and never was. It’s the idiotic gotcha that doesn’t really work. There are free or very cheap apps and programs that can adjust the audio enough to dodge the AI if needed. This is one of those stupid meme things that probably got shared in a bunch of secret cop facebook groups without an

Would you like some green eggs with your VW sham?

Push comes to shove, the poster could post the video with no audio.

I’m hoping both of them get heavy jail time. Aside from interfering with a flight crew, there’s heavy doses of assault thrown into the mix.

Usually I say, “To each their own”. But I am totally judging you right now.

You stay right where you are.  I’m calling the authorities.

It’s got some kitsch value. Nowhere near $7500, but some. It could be fun for $1k, as long as the seller replaces that Ed Gein steering wheel with something I would be willing to touch.

I count at least four vehicles to make this one. All in all (boney steering wheel aside) the job looks pretty decent. I’d like to see a fatter rear tire and clean up the area around the gas tank but for sure he spent triple the $7500 to get this thing where it its today. A test ride would be in order before I forked

Lobbyists don’t want no repeal on the Chicken Tax.  That would mean too much competition, even if competition is good for us consumers.

I’m ready for a full BEV Maverick.

Do the springs get especially dirty? :D

Wow.  Chill out. This is a car blog, not the New York Times.

It could be like a modern day Dakota RT or S10 Xtreme. I would love to see it...

Maverick Plug-In