Buzz off old man, it’s cool
Buzz off old man, it’s cool
Man, I miss my wagon. Sure, it was a Saturn SW2, but it was a wagon, and it was mine. RIP Gordmobile.
Same here. I am not a huge fan of the R8 or the second generation MR2, nor generally a huge fan of kit cars (unless they are a close to version of the real thing but much cheaper like a Beck Spyder or good Cobra replica). But this thing is actually attractive from certain angles, and doesn’t look like it was cobbled…
I’ll bite.
The most important part of Italy’s HSR is that the majority of it was built just in the last 15 years, on top of ancient infrastructure. Still, I can’t even work up the energy to dream of something like that in the US because whatever plan will be met with some jackass poking his head out of a trashcan full of F18's…
Ah, good ol’ Lyle Lanley. He left Brockway, Ogdenville, and North Haverbrook in shambles. Good thing Springfield dodged that bullet(train).
Probably a long time. The runways in Bucharest were seemingly surrounded by abandoned planes. No one is going to waste the fuel to tow these unless there’s something in it for them or government regulators forcing them to.
That would make for a really cool airport hotel!
That grill treatment is better than I feared. Its not good...but it could have been worse.
Yep, Wikipedia confirms it’s now 600 meters from a runway, so it’s no longer in violation of safety rules.
They’re pretty popular in the PNW. Seems to have captured a lot of former Element owners. I have one for work. It’s nice. Spartan, but functionally works very well and handles far more nimble than the Pacifica.
The Voyager is a stripped-down pre-facelift Pacifica.
I wouldn't be mad if Chrysler rebadged some Peugeots and Citroëns for their lineup
I’m looking for long form journalism, not a tweet.
Somebody rescue it!
So it’s a Japanese take on a Moke?
The Steyr-Puch Haflinger was my first thought, it was quite successful in its time. I can see how this could have inspired Honda to come up with the idea for this.