Free Market Party Company

Depends on how loaded it is. And it’s true that it adds weight, but many kinds of loads never max out (like moving vans).

I saw that, but what I was thinking was just a conventional (but electric) tractor whose battery could also power axles on the trailer; they’d make regen braking even more efficient and improve traction.

Hmmm... for me there’s also a significant population that just flat won’t believe it will ever work.

CP, and I’m actually sorry to say it. Clearly lots of nice work, and I’m sure the seller has spent WAY more than asking. Sadly, for this car, it doesn’t matter.

Just about the only instance I can think of where Caddy built a decent “small” car. That Seville was gorgeous.

The DS5 looks lovely

I’m about halfway through L.A. Noire

Mark Knopfler did that song Heavy Fuel with the line:

I’ve been car-crazy since about age 3, so I’ve had a lot of crushes over the years. The most powerful was probably the ‘84 C4 Corvette, tho...

Car & Driver’s best cover EVER:

I actually LOVED the Stealth; it was a great combination of over-the-top American muscle styling applied over top-notch Japanese tech. It’s kind of the 4-wheeler equivalent of a Yamaha Vmax

I’m with Patrick that for the money, I’d take this over most semi-exotics. It’s the last of the old “Lincoln Mark/Eldorado/Buick Rivera” unapologetic big-ass luxury coupes...

The ATS Coupe makes me sad. If only they’d gone just a tiny bit further toward the ELR...

Fair point. I’m actually bouncing between a Mustang and a Camaro for my mid-life crisis car. The Challenger would be on the shortlist (I like that AWD GT model) but I want a convertible.

I still have a major weakness for 2-doors in general, and there are so few left. I grew up in the 70s and 80s when almost everything was available as a 2-door (with maybe an ADDITIONAL sporty coupe model), a 4-door, and maybe even a wagon. *sigh*

This sounds like a bit of a hit piece. When there are that many cars in a fleet it’s inevitable that some will be used more than others. As for food runs and personal use? BFD. At least they’re being used.

Eye tracking isn’t actually that difficult these days.

There ARE specific circumstances that computers can detect, and with current computers it would actually be VERY possible to have a cam on the driver to track eye position, and for a forward-facing camera to coordinate and darken only the appropriate piece of the windshield. Even better, let it detect sunglasses so it

Ahhhh... wouldn’t a pair of Monte Carlo/Grand Prix coupes on the G8 chassis have been cool?

Like there was any doubt...