Solid point, I agree.
Solid point, I agree.
Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix are equally boring people trying to be edgy, so I guess I can see why they would be ~madly in love~.
I didn’t go protest because I, an immigrant, was obliged to fill in for a job that a native-born American wouldn’t do. Whoop whoop.
Tom Hiddleston’s nickname at Eton was “Piddle” as in “Hiddle Piddle.”
I was super obsessed with anime when I was twelve, and this really revived my inner weeb. ;~~;
Viktor is kind of a Stephane Lambiel/Daisuke Takahashi mash up.
How are you supposed to feel when you see a bigger bully push a smaller bully around?
I am willing to bet that Mr. Green is the kind of man who would be unable to find his way out of a paper bag without the help of a Woman employee, whom he naturally would not pay a fair wage to.
Yes! At least I think so — and real skaters like Johnny Weir and Evgenia Medvedeva are big fans. It’s a basically a sports anime with a strong focus on romance (in this case between Yuuri, a Japanese skater, and his childhood idol/current coach, Victor.)
I’d file this under ‘A Rare Instance of Justified Snobbery’ tag myself.
Google says SNL. I thiiiiiink it was Will Ferrell’s Bush that said it? He was a pretty good smug Bush, complete that terrible snicker.
I remember thinking that being Swiftboated was the worst smear a politican could suffer. No more!
I had clean forgot about that quote until this morning... Now, strategery, on the other hand, is a perfectly cromulent word that I use every so often. And that’s not even a quote from Dubya, it’s from SNL.
I honestly think him getting reelected is a good bet. If 2016 has taught me anything, it’s that you can never underestimate the stupidity and plain meaness of a plurality of the American voting public.
Yeah. The Russians thought they controlled him too. Ah, people, why does the concept of a loose cannon (or a loose Bannon in this case, haha/scream) ellude you??
Aw, Shrub. His evil seems almost benign in comparsion. (I know it wasn’t.)
But then Lincoln would tell him and the rest of the GOP to cut it out with the ‘Party of Lincoln’ shit. Unacceptable!!
The Republicans will never impeach him, short of him literally murdering someone on the steps of the Capital with a full camera crew (not from Fox) filming every second. He could resign, maybe.
No, I refuse.